Monday, July 16, 2018


Revelation 21:4

 And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.”

Oh the joy of looking upward to our home beyond the skies,
When we see our Savior, Master, and look into His eyes.
God's handkerchief will be busy, on that blessed future day,
When with love and great compassion he will wipe our tears away.
Graveyard markers will be history cause all death has had its end,
No more pain or sorrow will touch us and eternity with Him we'll spend.  (RP)

Margie would have had her 88th birthday today.  The two items (and flowers - not shown) in the picture are what were brought to her room at St. Joseph Hospital as we were saying goodbye to her. My poem (above) expresses my heart about all this. Of course I miss her, but she suffered much and she really wanted to go HOME.  Rawlie is with me today, and we have talked about this. I thank him and his dear family for all their love and attention. And this applies to YOU too, for so many have supported me. Thanks SO MUCH for your prayers.

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