Sunday, December 31, 2017


Mark 10:45  For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many

Jesus came to serve mankind by giving His life on the cross,
He came not for showmanship, nor living fancy with all the gloss.
He came to serve us and that He did, by dying for you and me, 
And all who come and bow at His feet, His love they all will see.
Jesus died for sinners, and all who receive Him, find sweet peace.
In Him is everlasting life and all who trust Him their joy will increase. (RP)

I check into Swedish First Hill, 747 Broadway, Seattle, Washington, Thursday morning, January 4th, for a 8:45-9:00 am surgery. Projected time for surgery is three and a half hours. My son Rawlie will take me there, and I am grateful. Yesterday's mail brought confirmation from my insurance company for the removal of the thyroid gland, and surgery to rebuild voice box. I was told in the beginning I could lose my voice, but Dr Sniezek said it can be rebuilt. That was encouraging news. I thank each of you for your prayers for this day. I am asking folks to pray I will not have any negative reaction to the anesthesia. Of course on the top line of all this is: May the Lord's will be done. 

Saturday, December 30, 2017


But when Jesus saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd. Matthew 9:36

The compassion of Jesus overwhelm us; His love for all is so deep,
He treats us as His heart demands, because we are all like sheep.
Jesus wants to be the shepherd of everyone who will come to Him,
And He will save and protect them and give hope that will not dim. (RP)

Yesterday we had an ice storm that lasted until early this morning. Falling trees and branches were numerous, and needless to say, we lost our power. I decided not to start up the generator. With a very bright L.E.D. lantern, I had all the light needed. The natural gas, heater in our family room requires no electricity, so it was nice and warm. Finally at 1:45 this morning, things returned to normal. Thanks for praying.

Friday, December 29, 2017


And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

Sometimes in life we think all has gone wrong, nothing works out for the good,
But we've forgotten one thing, God is in charge and He's often misunderstood.
For those who love God everything turns out well, and what a comfort is this,
And those who think that He's not done it right, then in fact they are remiss.(RP)

It will be nice to be able to have Bible class again this morning. My son is here with me, and we will have coffee together, then he will return home. This will be my last day for this class until after surgery sometime. I look forward to it. Thanks so much for praying. 

Thursday, December 28, 2017


He who guards his mouth preserves his life, But he who opens wide his lips shall have destruction.
 Prov 13:3

Words flow freely from our lips but this warning comes from God
You better guard those thoughts and words and not do things slipshod.
Foolish words will cost you much and the outcome is not good,
So take this caution seriously and you won't be misunderstood.(RP)

I corrected yesterday's blog last night, but only after everyone had seen it with the wrong date for my surgery. Here is the time of my surgery: January 4, 2018, 6:45 am check in time. I appreciate all who are praying.

Wednesday, December 27, 2017


"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go."  Joshua 1:9

In this life we are so prone to fear and be dismayed with the way things go,
But God's Word comes to us like a light, to comfort us in our woe.
His strength and encouragement console us as we walk along the way,
And his presence is promised always,to keep us from going astray.  (RP)

Swedish Hospital called yesterday to confirm all regarding my surgery. Date: January 4th, check in time 6:45 for an 8:45-9:00 am surgery. A thoracic surgeon, Dr. Bogard will be on call to assist Dr. Sniezek. Surgery duration: approximately three and a half hours. My son Rawlie will take me to the hospital.  It is nice knowing things are in place for this event. Thanks so much for praying. Sorry I put wrong date in above but  corrected it at night. 

Tuesday, December 26, 2017


How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God!
How great is the sum of them!
 If I should count them, they would be more in number than the sand;
When I awake, I am still with You.  Psalm 139:17-18

To realize that God thinks of me, is a fact more valuable than gold,
His constant thoughts to me, the number of them can't be told.
My heart overflows with gratitude when I think of His love for me, 
I cannot understand it all and from it I don't care to flee.(RP)

The title of my blog in no way implies that to do so is negative. I am sure most had a wonderful Christmas day. I surely did. My son stayed when his family departed for various activities Christmas Eve. It is nice having his company. He will be returning home today. We will have coffee together at Starbucks.  I am trying to find time to finish the work necessary for my next book. With Margie's passing and all the related issues with that, I have not had the time to dedicate to it. Now with my own surgery around the corner, I am still uncertain. I will do as much as I can. But now there is preparation for Friday's Bible class that has priority. Thanks so much for praying. 

Monday, December 25, 2017


We thank God everyday for blessings He bestows,
There are so many, who can count them, who really knows?
A gift each Christmas we'll not forget, is God's greatest one to us,
The unspeakable gift called Jesus, is for each of us a great plus.  (RP)

This is the first Christmas in decades we have not had our traditional brunch. Why? Because we did it yesterday. The family took advantage of my preaching at our  church, and we did it after the service. It went very well. There were 14 here to participate in the delicious brunch our family prepared. And I received a gift I never expected: a Keurig coffee machine. This morning Rawlie is going to show me how to get it going and we will have a cup while enjoying our breakfast. We had a wonderful time, and Margie was remembered. But she has it way better than we, because she is with the Lord. Thanks so much for your prayers. 

Sunday, December 24, 2017


Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ.  Ephesians 1:3

Blessed is the theme here as we see what Christ has done,
He  saved and is preparing us for something that can't be undone.
Oh how blessed we are to have Him as our Savior and our Guide,
One who always leads us wisely and keep closely by our side. (RP)

Every day is important, but today is special. This is the day before Christmas. I am blessed, because my family is coming to hear me preach. But traditionally, Margie and I had Christmas brunch for many years. We will do it today rather than tomorrow, because the family is here anyway. The only contribution I made for the brunch, is doing the bacon. They like the way I do it. Of course, all the extras that Margie did, will be done by our family. I look forward to it with delight. And what a privilege it is to preach on Christmas Eve. Thanks so much for praying.             

Saturday, December 23, 2017


Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, the people he chose for his inheritance. Psalm 33:12

A blessing is here promised to those who will heed God's call,
He will be their Savior if they truly seek Him and at his feet fall.
He calls them chosen, and what a privilege to have this name,
To always seek His will in our way should be our desired aim.
Rest in the promise of God; let Him lead each step of the way,
Stay in His word and read often, and always be willing to pray.(RP)

I spent the day yesterday, getting the house tidied up a bit more for Christmas guests and family members. There were several sacks of clothing Margie had separated for getting rid of, so I took those to Goodwill. While in town, I also visited a person in the hospital and had prayer. I stopped on the way home and picked up a couple of grocery items also. With several areas of our house looking much better, I am ready for the family arrivals. Because we as a family chose not to have the traditional Christmas brunch on the actual day, we are doing it after I preach Sunday morning. Thanks for praying. 

Friday, December 22, 2017


The LORD is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The LORD is the strength of my life; Of whom shall I be afraid?Psalm 27:1

The Lord for us is many things, but light and salvation are supreme,
Before we walked in darkness and all was dreary and upstream,
Then we met the Savior, and he gave new hope for sure,
And oh how great it is to have Him and be saved and so secure.
He is now our strength for living, and with Him we are not afraid,

So march on dear Christians, and do not be dismayed.(RP)

Several times this morning I heard the word, snow. Apparently we will have some each day, including Christmas. The children love it, and I have always enjoyed it. I have a snow blower for our driveway, so in that way I am prepared for it.  Yesterday Swedish hospital confirmed with me that they still are aiming for January 4th as my surgery time. They are trying to locate a thoracic surgeon who can assist the head and neck surgeon. Thanks for praying.

Thursday, December 21, 2017


Matthew 6:21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. 

Mortals treasure treasures, and we seem to each have one,
And it matters not the content, we just want to have our fun.
In life there are many idols and we invest money and time,
The truth of the matter is this: they clearly our motives define.
What you treasure most shows others what's on your heart,
When we love things more than God, we really are not smart. (RP)

We are going to have our family brunch on Sunday this year, instead of the traditional Christmas brunch we have had for years. I will be preaching at our church on Sunday, so the family will be here for that. We decided to have the family get-together after church. So we look forward to this. The time is getting closer, and I have quite a few things I want to do in the house preparing for that day. We are sure you also have many things to do before Christmas. Thanks for your prayers.

Wednesday, December 20, 2017


Colossians 3:2  Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth.

In a world so wrapped up with itself, we are exhorted to look above,
And feast on spiritual things, and see God's great hand of love.
With our mind set on things above, what a difference our lives will be,
We will be involved in things that matter to Him, and to this we all agree.(RP)

Rawlie & I arrived at Swedish Cancer Institute three hours before my scheduled appointment. Due to snowy conditions in some areas, there were cancellations. The receptionist got me in right away and we saw Dr. Joseph Sniezek. Rawlie and I were impressed with him. A tentative date of January 4, 2018 was set for surgery. There must be a thoracic surgeon also, so we wait for that final confirmation. Dr. Sniezek was very positive and even said that he can repair voice issues that follow this type of surgery. We are encouraged. When I hear for sure, I will  post it and send texts also. Many have asked me.  When we arrived back in Stanwood, it was 20 minutes before our original time to see the doctor. I then had a safe trip back to Ferndale. Thanks so much for praying.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017


And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. Rom 12:2

God gives the rule that leads to His will if we will just obey.
Forgetting our selfish ways and do what He says today.
If we fit in the ways of the world, we are lost before we begin,
And living this way is wrong and God labels it as sin.
Let God transform you and renew your mind and truly blessed you will be,
And His will comes to you in its perfect way and then the whole world will see.  (RP)

Perhaps today I will get some answers. I wonder when surgery date will be. I want to know if the doctor is able to correct this problem of liquid and food entering my lungs when I swallow.  I wonder how cancerous the thyroid tumor is.  I am curious about recovery time, and where. So maybe today Rawlie and I will hear some answers that help us. When I return to Ferndale, I will attend the meeting of the elders at our church tonight, Lord willing. Thanks so much for praying.

Monday, December 18, 2017


Psalms 27:14   Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD.

It takes so much work to just wait, and that's why God orders it so,
Don't ever go ahead of the Lord so that he will have to say whoa!
Wait for the Lord, that strengthens you, and gives your heart new life,
And prepares you so well for God's joy today and keeps away added strife.(RP)

This week is the countdown for Christmas. I have to complete all the paper work for Swedish Cancer Institute where I go tomorrow. Rawlie will drive me there. Today I have some residual things to care for the business world for Ernie, my brother, who died a week earlier than Margie. I preach next Sunday so want to put the final touches on the message. We will have brunch at our house next Sunday, instead of Christmas. My family is coming and will do most of the work. Thanks for praying. 

Sunday, December 17, 2017


Revelation 3:20  "Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.

Jesus stands at the door of my heart, seeking to enter in, 
His knock is a reminder He desires my fellowship to win.
It's up to me to open the door as my Savior gently knocks,
I always pray I will open the door and have only a door without locks.
Fellowship with Jesus is the sweetest hour of the day,
And he promises this to all, if they will just let Him have His way.(RP)

I am so thankful for answered prayer concerning my health. Many of you have prayed and I thank you. I feel so much better today. I look forward with joy to the Sunday School class this morning. I pray your day will be blessed also. Thanks for praying.

Saturday, December 16, 2017


Proverbs 3:13-14  Happy is the man who finds wisdom, And the man who gains understanding; For her proceeds are better than the profits of silver, And her gain than fine gold.

God promises happiness, to those who wisdom seek,
And he will give it to all, whether they are strong or weak.
When God gives understanding it's because it has been sought,
And those who gladly find it have something better than they thought.
God's wisdom and understanding are more precious than silver or gold,
Those who possess such treasures, are blessed more than ever has been told.(RP)

Spiritually it is also good to be ready for tomorrow, but to do that one must make decisions TODAY.  Well, I am ready for tomorrow's Sunday School class too, and am pleased. The book of Joshua has many names, and numerous spiritual lessons in those names. I have enjoyed the study. The Bible class went well yesterday. To help my energy level after being out of commission for a week, I sat down to teach during half of the class period. That worked well. Thanks so much for your prayers.

Friday, December 15, 2017


Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed   John 8:36  

Those in bondage to sin, listen up, there's hope for you in Christ,
Be sure and come to Him today; you don't need to be enticed.
Jesus invites you to come to Him so that He can set you free,
And when He frees you from sin, my friend, then you will really see.(RP)

It is great to be able to go back to work. For a week I have been down with whatever I had. I look forward to the class in Matthew this morning. I will stop at the grocery store and pharmacy, then do some banking, and come home. That will be enough for my first day out of the house in a week. I surely thank each of you who has prayed, called, sent texts, and asked about my condition. I appreciate it.

Thursday, December 14, 2017


He shall cover you with His feathers,And under His wings you shall take refuge;His truth shall be your shield and buckler. Psalm 91:4

The protection of our Father as he takes care of His child,
Is the sweetest story known that has ever been compiled.
Like a bird who cuddles her babies, neath her feathers oh so warm,
Is how God cares for each one and takes them through the storm. 
I thank God for His protection ovr me from day to day, 
And will never cease to praise Him for with Him all is okay. (RP)

As I write, gratitude fills my heart for answered prayer about my health. I felt badly for so many days, and now I am getting back some of the abilities I had before it all began. I am still going to take things easy today, then tomorrow, Lord willing, I will resume teaching, and also Sunday morning. I must be in better shape for my trip to see the surgeon December 19th in Seattle. Thanks so much for praying.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017


Blessed are the pure in heart, For they shall see God.  Mat 5:8

Only God can make hearts pure because of what Jesus did,
Invite Him to work in your life and from Him keep nothing hid.
When you follow Christ and His Word, some day you will be with Him,
And for every you'll sing with the saints, the wonderful redemption hymn. (RP)

It is getting quite old, just hearing about health. Today, however, it seems I am getting back to what I consider more normal.  I feel better, even though I am weak. Yesterday I was well enough to spend a good portion on my assignments for the week. I was glad to start getting back into the routine. I am still going to take it easy, but slowly get back into the swing of things. I thank each of you for the calls, texts, and emails concerning my condition. I appreciate those who also use the "comment" (below) which this blog-site allows you to use. Thanks so much for praying. 

Tuesday, December 12, 2017


Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for Him; do not fret.  Psalm 37:7

Some  uneasily go through life, impatiently confronting the days.
Instead of resting in Jesus who will help you in all your ways.
We must learn to rest in the Lord, leaving with him every fret,
Patiently wait things out, and soon those concerns you'll forget. (RP)

I had a good night. This morning I am finally starting to feel things may be on the mend. I am not bragging at all about how I feel. I know I will still need more time to get back to a normal schedule. I miss my nurse Margie, giving plenty of ideas on how to improve my health these days. I'm working more at my desk, which I feel is a good sign. I am taking things easy, however.  I had wanted to keep up those mile-long walks each day, but know that is out of the question now. Thanks so much for praying.

Monday, December 11, 2017


For I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content.  Philip.1:11

It’s hard to learn this lesson, Lord for we who are so weak,
But give us faith & courage, Your will to always seek.  (RP)

Today's verse and poem are for me. Admittedly it is hard to be content when one feels so rotten, but the Scriptures are our guideline even in sickness.  Thank you Lord. I spent almost the entire day yesterday in the Lazy Boy recliner. I slept, watched Christian programs, and just lounged the entire day. I was hoping to feel better this morning after a good night, but I am not feeling well. Thanks so much for praying. 

Sunday, December 10, 2017


Psa 32:1   Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, Whose sin is covered. 

The forgiveness of God - what a precious thought as we look at His Word today,
What love He has shown and grace displayed as we walk along this way
When God covers sin it is covered indeed and happy the man who gains all
And a word to the proud ones who reject God's love, you'll be lost if you continue to stall. (RP)

I hardly slept last night. I'm getting a cold. I have taken medicine, but at this juncture, nothing has worked. I guess I will have to bear with it until it runs the course. I had to get together my teaching material and take it to church early this morning so the elders can find someone to teach my class in Joshua. I will really miss the class because I enjoy it so much. Rawlie was with me Friday and Saturday nights, so left this morning for Stanwood. It was nice having him with me. He had prayer for me before he left. I appreciate it so much. Thanks for praying. 

Saturday, December 9, 2017


For God is not the author of confusion but of peace, as in all the churches of the saints   .I Corinthians 14:33

Even though I have studied off and on for my Sunday School class, I still want to go over the material today and get it in good shape.  I must prepare also advance study sheets for the class, so that will be part of the preparation. The class went well yesterday, although several were missing, probably due to illness. Rawlie is here, and we will go down to Haggen this morning and have a Starbucks and other things for breakfast.  I am on medication, but my throat is still sore.  Thanks for praying. 

Friday, December 8, 2017


Therefore , if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation;old things have passed away, behold all things have become new.II Corinthians 5:17

To be IN CHRIST - what a place to be,
Salvation in Him is the best, we agree.
When you come to Christ,old things pass away,
And now in Him you begin a new day.
Your life becomes new when you come to Him,
And forever you'll sing the redemption hymn.(RP)

Paul Harvey used to say it all the time, "It's Friday".  I am glad for today, because we have the Bible study at the Ferndale Senior Activity Center. We are presently going through the book of Matthew. Yesterday after prayer meeting at church, I drove to the mall for a mile walk. It was better inside rather than the cold outside. I am treating a sore throat, and I hope I win. Thanks so much for praying. 

Thursday, December 7, 2017


Call to Me, and I will answer you, 
and show you great and mighty 
things, which you do not know.  

Lord help me learn to call 
And before your presence fall
So that I can then recall
All your blessings large and small

Even though our winter this year seems to be much milder than many places, we are feeling the cold. I am glad for the furnace, gas stove and small ceramic heater here in the house. They are all going right now. Yesterday I walked, and then worked most the time on my Bible study in Matthew. I will finish that today and review some more on the Joshua study for Sunday School. I am going to take it easier today, because I have a sore throat. I don't want to get worse. Any suggestions by you who have solutions, please comment on the link below. All suggestions appreciated. Thanks for praying. 

Wednesday, December 6, 2017


Proverbs 19:20-21 Listen to counsel and receive instruction, That you may be wise in your latter days. There are many plans in a man's heart, Nevertheless the Lord's counsel-that will stand.

One very wise counsel we all should hear; listen to God each day,
Read the Bible to understand exactly what He wants to convey.
He wants you to be wise both now and when you reach later years,
Keep getting more of it, and never allow yourself to get in arrears.
We all have such flashy plans, and we really want to achieve,
But remember that God's counsel is best, so be ready to receive. (RP)

I am so thankful for medical insurance. I am receiving almost daily bills for Margie's upkeep during her last days. Her last hospital sojourn was a little shy of hundred thousand dollars. Thankfully I only had to pay a very small portion of it. Her ambulance bill for 911 came, and it also paid a large proportion of the bill. I am grateful. Yesterday was a big day with duty at the church, and a home visit with a fellow church member to a family who called for spiritual help. We were glad to be available for that. I attended the elders meeting last night. And to my delight my grandson Nathan was here at home when I arrived. Thanks for your prayer support. 

Tuesday, December 5, 2017


2 Samuel 22:31As for God, His way is perfect;The word of the LORD is proven; He is a shield to all who trust in Him.

What a wonderful God we have, so perfect in all His ways,
And the Book He gave us is proven, never ceasing to amaze.
How special it is to trust Him with a promise direct from His Word.
Our shield, protector and Savior - no better news was ever heard.(RP)

Yesterday after my walk in Bellingham, I stoped by a mattress store to look at what they had. Then at home, I needed to convert PDF files to Micosoft Word, for a job I was doing, and that took almost the rest of the day without being resolved.  A simple thing turned out to be a headache (which I have never had). I will leave that for some other day. Thanks for your prayers. 

Monday, December 4, 2017


And they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus." Acts 4:13

Help me to live for You today in such a special way,
That others will know without a doubt in my life, He is on display. (RP)

Our church family unanimously called Kiyle Decker as pastor yesterday morning in a vote after the morning service. This is the result of two years of diligent searching and praying. More about him and his family will appear on the church website, when  there is time to get it posted.  After the service yesterday I drove to Stanwood, where I had lunch with my son and his family. They were celebrating Rawlie's birthday. We had a great time and they even served me liquid lunch, which I am on, due to my situation. I left, and returned to Ferndale where I attended the Youth Choir performance at our church. It was a lovely evening. Thanks for praying. 

Sunday, December 3, 2017


Therefore comfort each other and edify one another, just as you also are doing.
1 Thessalonians 5:11

We may wonder how we can obey this verse; we need help to learn how,
Just go to the Lord in prayer and ask Him to give you wisdom right now.
Each one of us can edify others,saying things that encourage and bless,
Keep at it each day and build that special one up, and never digress.
I think you are doing this right; it seems like you have tried and won,
Keep it up and improve your work; and stay faithful til your work is done. (RP)

I knew I must get up the decorations. I fought with the idea of buying a much smaller tree and letting that do. Then I decided to go ahead and do it the way Margie would have done. So I put up the tree (artificial) strung the lights, and put on the fancy glittering ornaments. Oh yes, there were tears of memory as I did this, and they lasted on and off all the rest the day. But it is very simple. I did not want to decorate the entire living room like Margie always did. I could never give it the special touch she had. Today is a special day at church. We vote for Kiyle Decker coming as our pastor. We are excited. Thanks for praying.

Saturday, December 2, 2017


Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Mat 11:28

Oh the restless souls that surround us all around us in every place,
We pray they will meet the Savior and be saved by His loving grace.
Christ invites us to come to Him and receive spiritual rest today,
And those who come will find sweet solace not just now but everyday.   (RP)

There is always plenty to do. After the Bible class yesterday morning, I drove to the Bellingham  Bellis Fair Mall. I did my daily walk there because it was raining steadily. Two times around the inside outer edge of the hall, equals a mile. It's nice and warm with music, plus the opportunity to see what's for sale, and a lot of people.  After that I did hospital visitation. Before that I checked out the soup at the hospital dining room. There was nothing that would satisfy my liquid diet. After the visit, I walked down the hall on floor two, passing the room where Margie ended her earthly journey. Oh, the memories! I arrived home at 2:10, ate lunch (or should I say I drank lunch), then started the activities for the rest of the afternoon. Thank you for praying.

Friday, December 1, 2017


Psalm 31:14-15  But as for me, I trust in You, O LORD. I say, ;You are my God. My times are in Your hand; ;Deliver me from the hand of my enemies,  ;And from those who
persecute me.

Declaring our trust in the Lord and our allegiance to Him is a must,
And for those who faithfully do, are really the ones who are just.
What a blessed thought is this, that our times are in His hands,
With our hearts centered on Him, all the negatives in life we'll withstand. (RP)

Yesterday I received a call from the specialist in Bellingham, WA. He cancelled my appointment at Swedish with the doctor I was going to see December 6. Instead he recommended another that would handle my surgery best. So I made the phone call, and the appointment is for December 19th. I am pleased with this change. I have peace about it. The rest of the day yesterday was fast-paced. It was raining here, so I went to the mall for my walk. I had three important engagements the rest of the day. It was good to finally get back home. Thanks so much for praying.