Monday, December 31, 2018


For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body[a] and in your spirit, which are God’s.  I Corinthains 6:20

God paid a great price for redemption, the blood of His only Son, 
Jesus did all this on Calvary; and there the sin's battle was won.
We glorify Christ in our body, giving thanks for all that He did,
With our spirit we have fellowship sweet, and from Him nothing is hid. (RP)

Christmas decorations for me this year was EASY.  I had a smaller artificial tree, to replace the larger one. And I set it on the coffee table in the front room so people coming down the street could see it.  I had another very small one, for the dining room table. That's all. So putting things away is easy. When Margie was here, we took material out of two steel barrels and our living room was highly decorated. Now things are different. Thanks for praying. 

Sunday, December 30, 2018


How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God!
How great is the sum of them!
 If I should count them, they would be more in number than the sand;
When I awake, I am still with You.  
Psalm 139:17-18

To realize that God thinks of me, is a fact more valuable than gold,
His constant thoughts to me, the number of them can't be told.
My heart overflows with gratitude when I think of His love for me, 
I cannot understand it all, and from it I don't care to flee. (RP)

Saturday, December 29, 2018


Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might. Eccl. 9:10

Refreshing it is find such a thing, that a man works with all his might,
Women too are included in this and we should do it with delight.
No matter what your work may be, God will help you do it well,
And when life's journey has reached its end, your story, eternity will tell.  (RP)

Rawlie installed this gadget yesterday and now we have perfect reception in all parts of the house. I had problems with my phone, but now it is good. I am thankful I can sit in my favorite place and use my phone and it WORKS. Thanks for praying. 

Friday, December 28, 2018


"Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak." Matthew 26:4
Oh how often we get caught because we did not pray.
We should watch and pray always and that means every day.
Good intentions don't always count, because we are so weak.
And our flesh gets in the way and things get pretty bleak.
So let's heed the Master's warning and begin our day aright.
And our lives will tell the difference when things are done to His delight. (RP)

The peg-tube glitch which happened a few weeks ago is getting near the stage when it could be exchanged for a new one. I gave this one a temporary fix, which is actually working out quite well. I was told that the doctors like me to put a new one in about every 3-4 months. I have decided to keep this one until the normal time they wish to exchange it. That way gives a little more time for the passageway to heal thoroughly. It sounds better to me. Thanks for praying.

Thursday, December 27, 2018


Romans 12:2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. 

Conformity has a price tag, you know, we better listen today,
And learn to lean heavily upon our Lord; do it without delay.
The world lures us always to things we should not ever do,
So determine to do things His way, it will be best for you.
Fill you mind with His Word; God will transform your mind,
Demonstrate by your life, His will; please don't get behind. (RP)

The world tugs at our heartstrings, wanting us to do, say, act, and carouse with it.  God is looking for His children who will boldly talk to others about Him. Let us determine by life and lips to let others know Jesus loves them. Some will only know this if YOU tell them. Thanks for praying.  

Wednesday, December 26, 2018


Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.  Prov 3:5-6

The world wants to know the road they should take in the decisions of every day,
Believers in Jesus already know that in Him, the answer's on the way.
With our heart fully trusting for the answers we need, we know God will surely hear,
And never rely on your own understanding, it will fail you and not even come near.  (RP)

At our Christmas brunch, I prepared the bacon. The process started at 6:30 am, and ended at 9:00 am. I microwave it into straight very crisp strips. They all  LOVE it. When I joined them right here in my house, the food looked delicious. I am sure it was. We had an enjoyable morning of fellowship. I ate 1/4 cup of scrambled eggs for my portion of the feast. It was great. Rawlie is here with me for a few days. It is nice. Thanks for praying.

Tuesday, December 25, 2018


Then the angel said to them, Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people   Luke 2:10

The shepherds received such a message that night from the angel of God from above,
It was filled with hope and good tidings for sure, and signed with the Father's love.
The joy which he promised which through Jesus would come, was a message for one and all,
And all who receive Him have this joy in their lives, because one day upon Him they did call. (RP)

The radio has abundant words to say about depression on this day.  I pray that each of us will reach out to any who may be suffering. I am so blessed to have a loving family who cares. Thankfully I am not depressed. This is the second Christmas without Margie, and even though I miss her, I am so thankful that the precious memories linger, and I rest in God's great promise, that He will never leave me nor forsake me. Thank you my dear friends and family, for praying.

Monday, December 24, 2018


I will sing of the LORD's great love forever; with my mouth I will make your faithfulness known through all generations. 
Psalms 89:1

A believer can always sing about Jesus, even if he has no voice,
Because this is melody in the heart, and it is always the right choice.
So we give thanks for His great love, from the bottom of our heart,
And praise Him because we heard, and got off to a right start. 
This song never ceases, we just keep it up, until we are home.
Thank God for this lovely place Heaven; we will never have to roam. (RP)

A couple visiting our  church remarked yesterday that they remembered my strong singing voice. They did not know that now I cannot sing. I try, but the vocal chords don't cooperate. I have told many that I can make melody IN MY HEART to the Lord, and that's my joy.  Another thing: if you cannot sing, whistle. Last night, watching a Christian program, I belted out with my whistling. I discovered that the vocal chords let me down even doing that. Who cares?  No one can take away the music in my heart. Thanks for praying. 

Sunday, December 23, 2018


Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ. 
Philippians 1:6

God is not finished with you dear Christian; there is much He wants to do,
Salvation is a great part of your life, but there is more He wants to do for you.
Every day we live, His Word teaches, guides, and trains our seeking heart,
The more we do this, the better it gets, and from this habit we will not depart.
The years come and go, and we  grow in Him, and God's work never stops,
God promises that He'll keep working on us, and we know His work is tops. (RP)

This is Sunday, and in many churches, special programs are being presented about Christmas. Going to church is certainly one thing God wants you to do today. I pray you all will enjoy time spent in worship today. Thanks for praying. 

Saturday, December 22, 2018


The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but those things which are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law. Deuteronomy 29:29

God tells us many things in the Bible, His holy Book,
Many fail to see these things because they do not look.
He does have some secrets that are hidden from us,
Don't worry about these things or make a great big fuss.
The things God wants from us are written in these pages,
Some we do right now and others we practice in stages.
The things He has revealed are for us and our kids to obey,
So get with it dear reader and do what He commands today. (RP)

I was pleasantly surprised when several who saw my post yesterday, had already ordered my book.  I hoped this all would have happened much earlier, but glitches in proof reading slowed down the process. My thanks to all who purchase the book.    Thanks for praying.                            

Friday, December 21, 2018


John 15:14  You are My friends if you do whatever I command you.

What a joy to be called a friend of Jesus; this is a healthy desire,
And for all who read these humble lines, to this you should aspire.
To be Jesus' friend, you must personally receive Him into your life,
When you do, there is freedom,and usually much less strife.
Belonging to Jesus means you follow His commands,
Doing from the heart what He earnestly of you demands.
So come aboard dear friend, and begin with Jesus today,
Ask Him into your life,read His word, and then its words obey. (RP)

Let us not start the New Year slipshod.  Set some goals that will help you achieve all that God wants for you. If we all do this, perhaps things will change, and so will we. Let's give it a try.  Thanks for praying. 


I had a strange feeling during the night that I should check online about my book. I did and it was advertised on Amazon.
so for those who haven't heard, my new book Miracle Miles - For God's Special People is on the market. I then checked my email and the announcement was there. I am thankful.

Thursday, December 20, 2018


1 Chronicles 28:20  And David said to his son Solomon, "Be strong and of good courage, and do it; do not fear nor be dismayed, for the LORD God -- my God -- will be with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you, until you have finished all the work for the service of the house of the LORD."

Standing with us is what God does faithfully everyday,
Helping us do what we are supposed to, along the way.
His encouragement of strength and courage cheers us,
And His love helps us to every situation adjust,
God intends us to finish what He wants us to do,
So rely on Him for his strength to work until it is through. (RP)

I am so glad God is our Time Keeper. He knows best what needs to be done by each one of us. Let us willingly give Him our days, allowing Him to direct our paths. What a comfort to know He is in charge. I rest in Him. What about you? Thanks for praying. 

Wednesday, December 19, 2018


For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. 
Ephesians 2:10

When we are saved God expects us to work,
It is written in His word and we should not shirk.
He made us beautiful and has a job for us to do,
So work for Him with enthusiasm and be true.
This work He prepared long ago, so don't delay,
Keep on doing it very faithfully from day to day.  (RP)

We live and learn. For most of my married days, Margie ironed clothes. Toward the end of her days, she did as much as possible, then I finished up. I don't mind it at all. After her passing, I continued, and made a discovery that was WONDERFUL. I guess she just liked to iron wrinkle-free shirts anyway. I never even gave it a thought. But now after washing, I hang them up. I soon discovered they look pretty good. They were made that way, so now I don't iron much anymore. Yes, I live and learn. Thanks for praying. 

Tuesday, December 18, 2018


 Isa 30:21 Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, "This is the way, walk in it," Whenever you turn to the right hand Or whenever you turn to the left

Lord what do you want me to do today? There are many things to get done.
If I do them all I know it will take much time, and I'll surely be on the run
Then I felt a tug in my heart and mind, saying " Do this for Me today."
So I followed His lead, and He gave me the strength, to do it all His way.
I'm so glad I listened to Him today, and went about doing His work.
It always pays big, when you follow His lead and His duty you do not shirk. (RP)

Monday, December 17, 2018


Then Moses said to God, Indeed, when I come to the children of Israel and say to them, 'The God of your fathers has sent me to you, and they say to me, What is His name? what shall I say to them? And God said to Moses, I AM WHO I AM. And He said, Thus you shall say to the children of Israel, I AM has sent me to you. Exodus 3:13-14

The names of God are important to us and reveal to us very much,
In fact His names help us all through life, and bring us the Master's touch.
For each of our needs, He has a name that helps, displaying His loving care, 
If you doubt God's help don't forget his I Am, because it's always there,
When we are aware of the I AM who speaks, there's nothing for us to fear,
He supplies what we need with His special name, and we know he is always near. (RP)

My son appreciates the wonderful WiFi connection in my house. However, my special Lazy Boy place does not do so well when I want to use my phone to browse, etc.  Yesterday I decided to do something which I had in the back of my mind for quite awhile. I unplugged the microwave, which was in direct line from my office to the Lazy Boy.  The signal immediately went from "fair" to "good" reception.  So at least it is a step in the right direction. I still have a WiFi booster to install to improve that, hopefully.

Sunday, December 16, 2018


1Pe 5:7 Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.

So many people are hurting Lord, and there is so very much grief.
I pray today that the hurting ones, will come to You seeking relief.
Bodies are aching, and families are torn; I pray You will help today,
As they come to You humbly bowing, and seeking Your face, and pray. (RP)

The burden of prayer grows greater, as I read and talk with you dear ones each day. I am so glad God has given us the marvelous recourse of prayer. How we all need to intercede for one another, taking these issues to Him. Thank YOU for praying. 

Saturday, December 15, 2018


1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 

A three-fold command is given us here, to help us along life's way,
And all who diligently follow God's lead, will be blessed every day.
So cheer up fellow Christian, rejoice always in our wonderful Lord.
And I know without a doubt, that in doing so their is great reward.
Pray more each day, and give thanks to Him, and thus his will fulfill,
And you, my friend will be content in life, because you have done His will. (RP)

This verse from the Bible caught my attention this morning, so it became the theme of the poem I wrote.  How wonderful is His word. It is our daily food and inspiration. I pray it will be the same for you today. Thanks for praying. 

Friday, December 14, 2018


The Lord ... never fails. Zephaniah 3:5

The Lord never fails in what He says He will do,
Everything in the Word about Him is very true.
It's refreshing to know we can rely upon Him,
Our hope in Christ will never never grow dim. (RP)

It has taken a long time, but finally all the required steps have been taken for my book to be published. I do not think they can get the first copies out before Christmas, but I will wait and see. Marketing is not my thing, so I will have to learn as I go. I do know that the books will sell for $20.99. Due to my surgery and recover, a huge delay has resulted in getting this book to the publisher. Thank you so much for your prayers. I am so glad the Lord is in charge of it all. I rest in Him. 

Thursday, December 13, 2018


Then He arose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea,
Peace, be still! And the wind ceased and there was a great calm. 
Mark 4:39

God controls the winds and seas; all is beneath His command,
All nature moves and reacts to His call, everything is planned.
I'm so glad our Savior knows how to calm the troubled sea,
He's also the One to whom we go as we pray and make our plea.
Today, if your heart is troubled, go to the One who hears,
He will listen intently to what you say and stay while it disappears.(RP)

High winds were forecast the last two days. Last night we got plenty of it. I penned the poem because of the wind. In times past, the wind sort of kept me awake, but no more. Maybe because I have been through a few wind storms. How sweet to rest in Jesus when the storms are raging. Why not? He is the One who brings them. And He always has a reason. He doesn't share those reasons with us. All we do is trust Him. Thanks for praying. 

Wednesday, December 12, 2018


Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ.
Ephesians 1:3

Believers in Christ have blessings galore; this is God's promise today,
These spiritual blessings are His love-gift to us; we thank Him and pray.
God is not stingy in giving these things; every blessing is ours to enjoy,
We gladly accept them and earnestly endeavor each one to employ. (RP)

I received the corrected manuscript for my book, and found one more mistake, which I noted on their special correction form. I am hoping this is the last. It has happened several times now, and there must be a glitch in the software system somewhere, because the mistakes are spacing problems. I thought the book would be ready by Christmas, but I hardly see how that is possible now.  Solomon said it best and I will say amen to it: Ecl 12:12 And further, by these, my son, be admonished: of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh. I have to say however, that I do like studying God's word. Thanks so much for praying. 

Tuesday, December 11, 2018


Luke 12:6-7 Are not five sparrows sold for two copper coins? And not one of them is forgotten before God. 7 But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.

Don't ever think you are not important; God has a message for you,
Not even transactions are overlooked by Him; look at His point of view.
He even knows how much hair is on our head, so don't be misled.
We are valuable to God, even more than the birds that fly overhead. (RP)

My therapy sessions have ended. She reported that I continue to aspirate food and liquid. I am to continue my home therapies, and if I feel any sickness EVER, whether great or small, get to the doctor. Pneumonia is prominent among those who aspirate. God has preserved me from this, and all are amazed. My left vocal chord is weak, but functioning pretty well.  I even enjoyed trying to sing Sunday at church. I pity those nearby who heard. God is so good. I feel wonderful, and have good health.  I will echo what the apostle Paul wrote many years ago. Php 4:11 Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content. 

Monday, December 10, 2018


In God we boast all day long, And praise Your name forever. Psalm 44:8 

Men boast of many things these days, but only one does God allow,
He only is to be revered and all at His feet should bow.
When He is wholly worshiped from the heart, His praises will be on our lips,
And all who belong to Him will seek His help not to make any slips. (RP)

This morning I get the full results of the special FEES study done last week. I will be happy to learn any new things about this that I don't already know. I will report tomorrow, hopefully, on this. Thanks so much for praying

Sunday, December 9, 2018


And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, 
forgive him, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins.
Mark 11:25

When we go to the Lord in prayer, our relationship to others should be pure
When we fellowship with them, then our prayers are on track we are sure. 
If per chance you need to forgive any, please do it without hesitation or delay,
Then you know from our Father above that your sins will be forgive that day. 
So walk with the Lord and have all issues resolved between you and your friend,
Victory will be yours always because God is great and upon Him you can depend. (RP)

The manuscript for my next book came back the 4th time for me to make corrections before going to the printer. The correction I made December the 5th and sent to them, they corrected.  All was well and then when I paged through the manuscript, I discovered 9 more spacing errors, made by their employees. These spacing errors were not in the corrected copy I sent back last week, so something is going wrong. I have suspended all activity with the printer until satisfaction is given me about why it is happening. I am so glad the Lord is in charge, so I don't have to worry about it. I had earnestly wished the book could be offered for Christmas, but I see no hope of that now. Thanks so much for praying. 

Saturday, December 8, 2018


Psalm 143:8Cause me to hear Your lovingkindness in the morning, For in You do I trust; Cause me to know the way in which I should walk, For I lift up my soul to You.

Lord help me read your Word each day
And learn Your will for me
And make my life so full of you
So others my Savior will see. (RP)

It's God-directed, because He does everything right. I believe this with all my heart. Yesterday I learned that my feeding tube has to be replaced. The defect I described to the person at the Mt. Baker Imaging requires a new tube. They cannot do it now, because the new replacement was made  on November 16,  and it must heal thoroughly before inserting another in the passageway. In the meanwhile, I am supposed to find online, a clamp that will work with the tube. This will allow me to do the feeding and not remove that pesky little stopper multiple times and wear it out. I spent over an hour and haven't found it yet. Last night I improvised one from an office paper clip, using a rubber band to increase the tension. Thanks so much for praying. 

Friday, December 7, 2018


The Lord lives!Blessed be my Rock!Let the God of my salvation be exalted.Psalm 18:46

Our great God lives; we bless His holy name,
We exalt Him and His holy name we proclaim.
Our desire is for others to know Him as we do,
We want the world to know He loves them too.(RP)
Yesterday at my 4 pm feeding, the stopper on the g-tube was difficult to remove. The very small "handle" (flap) used to pull it out, tore off. It is very soft plastic. Fortunately this feeding tube has three ports to it. I removed the stopper from one and with some stretching, was able to have the good one stop the feeding port entrance. Then I carefully removed the defective one and put it in the other. I will consult the specialists to day to see what can be done about it. Thanks so much for praying with me about this. 

Thursday, December 6, 2018


Colossians 3:16  
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.

Letting Christ's Word dwell in you, means it must be faithfully obeyed,
His Word in you is a wonderful thing, the finest that can be displayed.
If you do these things God prepares your heart, teaching you how to serve,
With His wisdom in you,you'll help others soon, and they, your life will observe.
Sing spiritual songs with grace in your heart, and the Lord will be honored for sure,
What a joy it is to serve others each day, and the joy that your life is secure. (RP)

It is quite wonderful just to realize what God's word can and will do in our lives, if we will allow it. Please ponder the Bible verse today, and put it to work in your life. You will be amazed. Thanks for praying.

Wednesday, December 5, 2018


In the hustle and bustle of life, let us stop for awhile and just reflect on His name. Can we say from the heart, that the Lord's name is excellent?  Perhaps today we can demonstrate our attitude about this, by the way we live, talk, and act. Thanks for praying. 

Psalm 8:9   O LORD, our Lord, How excellent is Your name in all the earth  

The Name above all names is the one before us today,
The Lord, mighty in works who does more than we can say.
No other name matches His, and He is our Savior and Lord,
So trust Him and serve Him the rest of your life; He is our great reward. (RP)

Tuesday, December 4, 2018


That's what FEES stands for. It was more involved than the normal swallow tests I have done previously. The sophisticated probe that was inserted into my nose, guided by the technician showed clear pictures of my vocal chords which are doing okay. The special shot to improve my voice March 7, 2018, which was supposed to be temporary for three months, is still doing fine. We know WHO is responsible for that. I still am aspirating liquids into my lungs, so that battle never may be won. I have another appointment next Monday. Thanks so much for praying. 
Deuteronomy 6:5   You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength
Total dedication is what God desires, it is plainly stated here,
Half-hearted devotion is no good, it proves you are not sincere.
Serve Him my friend with all your heart, and the strength He has given you,
For this is the path to victory, and God promises He'll see you through. (RP)

Monday, December 3, 2018


Psalms 20:7
Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God.

Men trust in all sorts of things, as they go through life down here,
And most forget God in the process, and that's why there's so much fear.
Thank God we can trust in the Lord, allowing Him to lead in our lives,
And the one who lets Him lead will always tell you he thrives. (RP)

This morning the speech and swallow therapist will do a FEES study, which includes examining my vocal chords. On March 7, 2018 my voice was only a whisper. With a special shot in one vocal chord, my speech was restored. It was only to be temporary, but I am still speaking. I will report tomorrow what this study reveals. Thanks for praying. 

Sunday, December 2, 2018


Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.

God's thoughts of us are warm today, as He thinks of you and me, 
He thinks no evil, but only peace, as He gives this sweet decree.
He has a plan for each of us and will move us gently along,
And by His grace our hope is sure because to Him we belong. (RP)

As we go to Sunday School and church this morning, let us think about the beauty of the Scripture verse today. How blessed to think our Lord is thinking about us. He wants the best for our lives and that we have peace. He knows our future, and wants us to have hope. We have ALL these things in Christ right now. Thanks for praying.

Saturday, December 1, 2018


Proverbs 4:7 Wisdom is the principal thing; Therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding

Wisdom is free, for all who believe,
Receive it, and always to it cleave.
Wisdom is doing things God's way.
Enjoy it because it will always pay, 

The book I wrote may not be published until after Christmas. I learned that yesterday. I submitted one more correction form, because I found a mistake in line-spacing, by the publisher. We'll see what happens next week. Thanks so much for praying. 

Friday, November 30, 2018


Ephesians 4:29  Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers.

Be careful little mouth what you say, is more than just a song,
It is a command from God, and keeps us from doing wrong. 
Christians who encourage others, are doing their Father's will,
Which edifies the recipients and helps them God's will to fulfill.  (RP)

I preached my first message in 1948, and have enjoyed preaching and Bible teaching since that time. Today is Bible study at the Ferndale Senior Activity enter. I look forward to it. We are finishing the book of Esther today, and next Friday.  Thanks for praying.

Thursday, November 29, 2018


Psalm 116:15 Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints

So many things people hold precious, are really important to them,
This is understood, and for this reason we do not condemn,
When God takes a loved one or friend, it is so very hard to take,
His grace is sufficient for all, and we know He helps every ache,

A dear friend, Jeremy Haws, ended his earthly sojourn yesterday around noon. His entire family was by his side when he departed. How wonderful for a family to give such special support to their loved one, right up to the end. Pray for this dear family, as they claim God's grace in this tender moment. Thanks for praying. 

Wednesday, November 28, 2018


Matthew 6:33  But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you

To have the best in life  we better do things God's way,
Just listen to His Word and do what He would say.
Seeking Him and all He has for us, we will win,
And He’ll give us what we should have, and that's the way to begin  (RP)

Since my surgery and recovery, I have learned a few things about schedules. My years of teaching in the seminary in Brazil,certainly started me on this. Now, if I start at six in the morning, I will be finished with my morning schedule by nine. Why? Because of the time involved in tube feeding (infusion), and the physical therapies that follow.  And to add to this schedule I have three more infusions before the day ends, each followed by physical therapy. And my time in the Bible and prayer, also has priority. I like schedules. Because of this, I am ready for Friday's Bible class at the Ferndale Activity Center. Thanks for praying.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018


Proverbs 10:19 In the multitude of words sin is not lacking,But he who restrains his lips is wise.

Oh the folly of many words spoken without the heart,
Revealing the sin of the speaker and proving he's not very smart.
The ones who are wise surely restrain their lips, 
Saving themselves from a serious trap and many a heartache skips. (RP)

I put up a different Christmas tree this year.  I debated about having battery operated lights or electric. I started with the battery, but ended up with electric. It worked out easier, using only one string of electric lights compared to several of the battery type, which would have required changing batteries in about 4 control boxes periodically. Thanks, as always, for your prayers. 

Monday, November 26, 2018


For our citizenship is in heaven, from which we also eagerly wait for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. Philippians 3:20

For the believer, the world is not home, our citizenship is up there, 
We are here for just a short stay, and this story we want to share.
All who have trusted Jesus, are secure and longing for that day,
When He will call us to heaven where forever we will stay. 
We eagerly wait for His call to take us to heaven, my friend,
If you're ready to go, thank God, for that day your troubles will end. (RP)

Even one with good health is fragile. I attended church, came home, and after my noon infusion, started feeling sick. I wondered about my blood pressure, even though it has been good. I drove to Walgreens and the pharmacist checked my pressure and it was fine. I guess I was just not supposed to feel well. I took it very easy the rest of the day and went to bed early. I feel pretty good today, and have some things I really want to get done. Thanks so much for praying. 

Sunday, November 25, 2018


Galatians 6:7 Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.

God's law of retribution always works; He will never be mocked,
No matter what man's answer is or what he may try to concoct.
Don't be deceived by foolish thoughts; they will lead you astray,
And the thoughts and actions sowed today will never go away.
Just level with God and confess your sin; He will forgive you now, 
You will be free from the weight of sin, and at his feet humbly bow.  (RP)

I appreciate my family. Rawlie has been here since Tuesday. He goes home this morning. He is on vacation, but two important projects for his company had to be done. He was here to accomplish that. Rawlie and his family's visits are a blessing to me. So many live alone. I am learning that part of life now. God is so good, and His presence is comforting. Thanks for praying.

Saturday, November 24, 2018


James 4:14  Whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away.

We really do not know how long we will really be here,
Most of us agree that life is very special and so dear.
Tomorrow is so  uncertain, we all know this is so,
Just check the obituaries and then you too will know.
Life is likened to a vapor that arises out of the kettle,
Eternity is a spiritual matter that everyone should settle.
Jesus is the way to heaven; receive him for eternal life,
He forgives sin, gives eternal life, and saves from much strife. (RP)

As I talked to a man about his spiritual condition, I was impressed with the views people have about eternity.  This man thought his good deeds would certainly help him into heaven. And he believed the religious club he belongs to helps also' As I carefully explained the Bible way of salvation, he listened, and allowed me to pray with him. He held my hand firmly as we prayed. I gave him a booklet, asking him to read it. Please pray with me he will be saved. Thanks for praying. 

Friday, November 23, 2018


John 15:7  If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you. 

Keep fellowship with Jesus in your life everyday,
Abiding in Him is our blessing, as we walk the way,
As we pray for those things He lays upon our heart,
What joy He gives, as we keep close and don't depart, (RP)

It is called Black Friday, but I really wonder sometimes if it is the right name. For some their experience may be black; for others it will be a day of great fun. But what about white?  Will that be our Christmas name, because we think of all the beautiful snow scenes? Maybe for you it is a matter of black or white. So much for colors. I had a wonderful time with my son and his family at their Thanksgiving treat for Teens Challenge. My grandson spoke to the residents at worship time and my other grandson played the guitar and led in worship. It was great. And for the first time, I partook of the meal with mashed potatoes, gravy and turkey (cut in very small pieces). For desert I had mostly the filling of a pumpkin pie. What a wonderful day. Thanks for praying. 

Thursday, November 22, 2018


Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with THANKSGIVING, let your requests be made known to God  Philippians 4:6

Anxiety with worry and fretting, are things that can hinder us.
No prayer,no thanks, no talking to God, are the reason we are in a fuss.
Don't be this way, talk to God in earnest today,  (RP)

My son and his family are hosting today the residents of Teen Challenge, Renton division, for 
an afternoon worship service, followed by a THANKSGIVING meal.  Teens Challenge ministers to those who are fighting addictions. Please pray for this worthy ministry that has helped scores of people to complete recovery and victorious living for Jesus Christ. I am proud of my family who has a heart to minister to these dear people.  Thanks for praying. 

Wednesday, November 21, 2018


Matthew 6:33  But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you

To have the best in life  we better do things God's way,
Just listen to His Word and do what He would say.
Seeking Him and all He has for us, we will win,
And He’ll give us what we should have, and that's the way to begin.  (RP)

Have you often asked yourself the title of this post?  Today is another day to walk with the Lord. I am blessed to have Rawlie with me again. He is doing some important project for his company, and appreciates the fine WiFi reception in my house. That also gives him another time for company here with me. He and his family are so thoughtful.  I will keep on studying for future classes.  My tube feeding has normalized now, and I only have a minimum of pain, which I am praying will go away some day. Thanks for praying.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018


Proverbs 16:24 Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, Sweetness to the soul and health to the bones

Dear Lord teach me how to speak, so my words are  pleasing  to You,
You make my soul sweet, and my body has strength, for the things I do.  (RP)

Thankfully I was able to send back to the publisher, the second correction form yesterday. Who knows, maybe they will not send a third one. 
I was also able to resolve some issues with my new feeding tube. This, along with  preparation for future classes, kept me going the whole day. I sincerely thank each of you for your prayers. I am honored to pray for you also, when you give me your requests.

Monday, November 19, 2018


We give thanks to God always for you all, making mention of you in our prayers, (1Thess. 1:2)

Lord I need to enlarge my prayer list and include more people today.
Please show me how to do this, and teach me Lord to pray.(RP)

Through my blog and Facebook postings, more people are following my goings-on. I am pleased about this, because the more people who are praying, is better.  You know already that I was having problems getting the nutrient to go down the new tube. It is slower than in the smaller tube, and presents me with a challenge.  I am happy to report that yesterday's "feedings" were much better. I guess I am learning to cope with the situation, and as far as I am concerned, it is because of prayer.  My new project is how to  change bandages on the tube entry point into my body. There is a large clear disk that fits over the tube and against my body to hold the bandage. This is all new for me. I don't know how to move this disk. I will find out today by calling the experts. Thank you so much for praying. 

Sunday, November 18, 2018


Let us search out and examine our ways, And turn back to the LORD.  Lamentations 3:40

It's easy to look at others and figure out what's wrong with them, 
But God instructs us by saying, "Search and examine YOUR ways.
As you do this with honest reflection a conclusion you'll soon decide,
That obedience to Him gives results that will definitely bless all your days.  (RP)

To my surprise, in yesterday's email, came my book manuscript for another correction.  I started it in the afternoon and worked on it for several hours.  I may have to read the whole thing through again. Yes, I have found mistakes again, but this time mainly ones they had made in formatting.  Another subject: my feeding tube does not work well at all. It does not gravity feed well, and it takes a long time to "eat."  I will check with the specialists tomorrow. It also hurts, but that may be natural because they just put it in Friday. It's all okay, and will work out eventually. Thanks for praying. 

Saturday, November 17, 2018


Proverbs 27:1  Do not boast about tomorrow, For you do not know what a day may bring forth.

We quickly make our plans, for the things we want to do,
Carefully things are put in place, and we are on the go,
So often God is not consulted, as we go about our way,
And before we know it, things have changed; it does not pay,
Don't boast about tomorrow; just leave those plans with Him,
Let God choose your way; He will fill your life to the brim. (RP)

I thought things would go easily after the new tube placement, but I soon discovered I have some things to learn. The tube is shorter, and does not have the same system of control as the former one.  The liquid comes out of it between syringe fills, so I have to close it each time and hold it high. I will consult the experts on the subject to get their opinions of how best to do it.
These things challenge me. I already have an idea about a  device that I can build to help me in the process. Thanks for praying. 

Friday, November 16, 2018


1 Peter 5:6-7Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.

It's easy to be humble when to God your life is given,
Knowing well your life is His, and your sins are all forgiven.
God exalts the ones who humbly come to Him each day,
And their lives are safely resting in His life, which is okay.
And our recourse is so nice, when we cast on Him our care,
Knowing fully, He will help us, and all our burdens bear. (RP)

In a few minutes Rawlie will take me to St. Joseph Hospital where I check in at 7:30 and at 9:00, at the Interventional Radiology Center, my old stomach feeding tube will be replaced by a new one. No, I am not nervous about it. I am resting in Him, who promises to care for me. As soon as I am able, I will give an update. Having never gone this route before, except when it was originally installed, I don’t know what a replacement procedure involves. I do know that the hole into my stomach is smaller than the tube that replaces it, so that will be a challenge for the experts. I leave it with them. Thanks for praying. 

Thursday, November 15, 2018


Proverbs 11:6 The righteousness of the upright will deliver them, But the unfaithful will be caught by their lust.

The upright are righteous by God's standard, and He will deliver them all.
In Christ we are made righteous, and what a story each of us can recall.
But sadness awaits the unfaithful, whose lust has led them astray,
And the only thing left for such persons, is heaviness and a life of dismay. (RP)

My Speech and Swallow therapist called, with authorization to begin this study in December. That is good news. Hopefully it will help me keep my talking ability plus one day swallow normally.  Of course, both of these outcomes are in the Lord's hands, and we leave them there. Thanks for praying. 

Wednesday, November 14, 2018


Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ  Ephesians 1:3

You don't have to wait to be blessed, because God blesses you right now, 
His heavenly blessings are available now; our Father loves to endow.
Please note he gives every spiritual blessing; what a wonderful gift.
And because they come from Him there is no worry about a shift.  (RP)

In my never-ending battle against "clutter", I was able to get my office in much better shape yesterday. And the good news is that my swallow/speech therapist is working on authorization to continue my sessions. I have been stopped for several weeks. But I still do 150 therapy routines each day, in the hopes that some day I will be able to drink a glass of water, and have a cup of coffee with Rawlie. Rawlie arrived last night. He will take me for my surgery Friday morning. I am so blessed with his kind help. Thanks for praying. 

Tuesday, November 13, 2018


Mark 11:25 And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, that your Father in heaven may also forgive you your trespasses.

When Christians pray, God requires much and He tells us so right here,
If you have been wronged and will not forgive, your state is quite severe.
When we forgive, then God forgives and our communion is so sweet,
And when we treat people like God wants us to, our lives will be complete. (RP)

Do you wonder what paper work is?  For me it is going through accumulated mail.  Sometimes, inadvertently, I find things that I did not expect. I also read several cards sent me after Margie's passing. A few tears, a joyful heart, and thanksgiving for dear friends. I continue that process today. Thanks for praying. Oh yes, and I did send off the correction form for my book. In about 10 days, they said I will receive the manuscript again to inspect. On and on it goes. Thanks for praying.

Monday, November 12, 2018


For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, that ye through his poverty might be rich. 2 Corinthians 8:9

We're told in simple words right here, what Jesus did for us,
And how He came from Heaven's heights, so rich and then made poor.
And when I claim Him as my own He gives me all His wealth
And shows me from His word each day in Him I'm so secure. (RP)

Hopefully today I can stop writing so much about my book progress. If all goes as planned, I will submit it today. I fully expect the publisher to tell me that something still might be missing in all the papers I have submitted to them. Thanks for praying.

Sunday, November 11, 2018


Psalm 20:7 Some trust in chariots, and some in horses; But we will remember the name of the LORD our God.

The world trust things that are temporal and programs that surely defraud.
But the glorious recourse we have, is to remember the Lord our God. (RP)

I really intended to do as I stated yesterday, but things changed. I received more corrections for my book that Laurel Hicks found, so I spent a lot of time getting those into the proper form to send to the publisher.  I still have more, so will probably send the corrected manuscript to the publisher sometime this week. It has been fascinating doing all these requirements to publish a book. Thank YOU for praying. 

Saturday, November 10, 2018


Psalm 145:18 The LORD is near to all who call upon Him, To all who call upon Him in truth.

Near to You we want to be as we walk this earthly path,
Please help  us obey Your  commands, and readily give You all,
Humbly we go in submission each day, and learn to call upon You
 Your grace sufficient will abound to us and we’ll have blessing both large and small. (RP)

You probably don't have my problem. Today I must do some de-cluttering.  Because I use my office a lot, that is where I begin. It is amazing how things can get out of place. The discipline of keeping things orderly is always a challenge. I am hoping for good results as I apply myself to the task of just getting it done. Thanks for praying. 

Friday, November 9, 2018


If I regard iniquity in my heart,the Lord will not hear.Psa. 66:18
Praying to God with unconfessed sin, is a serious thing indeed,
For the truth of the matter is this dear one, if you do you will not succeed. (RP)
I look forward to Friday, and the Bible class held at the Ferndale Senior Activity Center at 10 AM. This class has been going on for years. We are now studying the book of Esther, and it is a blessing to have the interaction with the class members as we study together this very interesting Bible book. Thanks for praying.

Thursday, November 8, 2018


And let us not grow weary while 
doing good, for in due season we 
shall reap if we do not lose heart.
Galatians 6:9
In doing good we tend to tire but 
the payoff's on the way.
And discouraged we must not 
become as we walk the Lord's 
highway.  (RP)
Last night at church was the first time I have been able to stay for the prayer time. Normally there are more things on the program, and I always have to leave, so I can get home in time for my 8 pm infusion (feeding tube process).  Last night the program was different and I was able to get in on all the prayer time. It was very nice and I appreciated being able to be part of it. Today Laurel Hicks continues her help for me, as she reads through my book manuscript. Thanks for praying. 

Wednesday, November 7, 2018


For I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content.  Philip.1:11
It’s hard to learn this lesson, Lord for we who are so weak,
But give us faith & courage, Your will to always seek. (RP)
The editor of my book Laurel Hicks saw the dilemma I face in trying to meet a deadline on returning the correction form for my book. She volunteered to read the manuscript. This is a tremendous help, and I appreciate it greatly. Please pray for both of us as we read our way through these many chapters again. I am grateful for Laurel's help. Thank you for praying.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018


Pray without ceasing  
(I Thess. 5:17)
Lord teach me how to pray today
And leave my cares with you
And learn the joy of ceaseless prayer 
All the day through. (RP)
I spent most of yesterday, going over my book manuscript that the publisher sent. I found several major issues that will be corrected, after I complete the form required for that process. I did not want to read the entire book, so have done about one-third, looking for other issues that are more visible as I go through the book. I cannot dedicate much time today to this, because I need to do the prayer sheet for our church, plus attend the missionary meeting this afternoon. Thanks for praying. 

Monday, November 5, 2018


I got a surprises last evening when I opened my email. There was the proof manuscript for my next book. I must go through it, if possible, looking for any last minute corrections needed, before it goes to the publisher. I already found they left out a picture, so will have to correct that. Last night I read several chapters. So my prayer request is that I may be able to detect any other issues as I go through the chapters. I am pleased with the setup, and I thank you for helping me in prayer. 

Philippians 2:3
Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves

Look what God wants you to do today.
The kids will say,"It will blow you away".
Selfish ambition is on the no no list.
To this God will always and rightly insist.
Don't be conceited in anything you do,
This proves to Him that you are really true.
In humility consider others better than you,
Soon you will learn things that you never knew.  (RP)

Sunday, November 4, 2018


Jeremiah 33:3 Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.

You read the Bible and it seems so dull and dry,
Why don't you pray and really give it one more try.
God will answer your prayer with something great,
He will show you things that are classed as first rate.
You don't know all God wants you to know just yet,
Give Him time and you'll learn things and not forget. (RP)

I don't have to tell anyone who lives in this part of Whatcom county, that we had quite a storm last night. It started with plenty of rain, then the winds came. It is still dark outside, so I have no idea  what damage was done, or things moved around by the violent winds.  All I know is that the activity did keep me awake for awhile. I am glad the Lord is the controller of these things, so we just accept what He sends our way. Thanks for praying and I trust you set your clocks back, and will be going to church this morning. Rawlie returns home to his family and church this morning. 

Saturday, November 3, 2018


For the word of God is living and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword. 
Hebrews 4:12
The Bible, God's word is so powerful, and meets us where we are,
It cuts through the glitter of life and will do it without leaving a scar.
The Bible has answers to life's problems; you would be wise to look,
Take time to read what God says about YOU in this wonderful Book.
Be alert as you read this Book; it reveals your weakness for sure,
Follow its precepts my friend; God will cleanse and make you pure. (RP)
Rawlie, my son, called to say he was coming to Ferndale. He has some business matters to care for, and wanted to spend the night here. What wonderful news!  While here, he also told me he wanted to be with me when I have the surgical placement of my new stomach tube, November 16. What great news that was for me, because I was wondering who I would ask. I have many friends who would help me, but it is very nice that Rawlie will do it. Thank you all so much for your prayer support. It means so much to me.