Friday, December 28, 2018


"Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak." Matthew 26:4
Oh how often we get caught because we did not pray.
We should watch and pray always and that means every day.
Good intentions don't always count, because we are so weak.
And our flesh gets in the way and things get pretty bleak.
So let's heed the Master's warning and begin our day aright.
And our lives will tell the difference when things are done to His delight. (RP)

The peg-tube glitch which happened a few weeks ago is getting near the stage when it could be exchanged for a new one. I gave this one a temporary fix, which is actually working out quite well. I was told that the doctors like me to put a new one in about every 3-4 months. I have decided to keep this one until the normal time they wish to exchange it. That way gives a little more time for the passageway to heal thoroughly. It sounds better to me. Thanks for praying.

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