Tuesday, December 4, 2018


That's what FEES stands for. It was more involved than the normal swallow tests I have done previously. The sophisticated probe that was inserted into my nose, guided by the technician showed clear pictures of my vocal chords which are doing okay. The special shot to improve my voice March 7, 2018, which was supposed to be temporary for three months, is still doing fine. We know WHO is responsible for that. I still am aspirating liquids into my lungs, so that battle never may be won. I have another appointment next Monday. Thanks so much for praying. 
Deuteronomy 6:5   You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength
Total dedication is what God desires, it is plainly stated here,
Half-hearted devotion is no good, it proves you are not sincere.
Serve Him my friend with all your heart, and the strength He has given you,
For this is the path to victory, and God promises He'll see you through. (RP)

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