Sunday, December 9, 2018


And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, 
forgive him, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins.
Mark 11:25

When we go to the Lord in prayer, our relationship to others should be pure
When we fellowship with them, then our prayers are on track we are sure. 
If per chance you need to forgive any, please do it without hesitation or delay,
Then you know from our Father above that your sins will be forgive that day. 
So walk with the Lord and have all issues resolved between you and your friend,
Victory will be yours always because God is great and upon Him you can depend. (RP)

The manuscript for my next book came back the 4th time for me to make corrections before going to the printer. The correction I made December the 5th and sent to them, they corrected.  All was well and then when I paged through the manuscript, I discovered 9 more spacing errors, made by their employees. These spacing errors were not in the corrected copy I sent back last week, so something is going wrong. I have suspended all activity with the printer until satisfaction is given me about why it is happening. I am so glad the Lord is in charge, so I don't have to worry about it. I had earnestly wished the book could be offered for Christmas, but I see no hope of that now. Thanks so much for praying. 

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