Saturday, November 24, 2018


James 4:14  Whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away.

We really do not know how long we will really be here,
Most of us agree that life is very special and so dear.
Tomorrow is so  uncertain, we all know this is so,
Just check the obituaries and then you too will know.
Life is likened to a vapor that arises out of the kettle,
Eternity is a spiritual matter that everyone should settle.
Jesus is the way to heaven; receive him for eternal life,
He forgives sin, gives eternal life, and saves from much strife. (RP)

As I talked to a man about his spiritual condition, I was impressed with the views people have about eternity.  This man thought his good deeds would certainly help him into heaven. And he believed the religious club he belongs to helps also' As I carefully explained the Bible way of salvation, he listened, and allowed me to pray with him. He held my hand firmly as we prayed. I gave him a booklet, asking him to read it. Please pray with me he will be saved. Thanks for praying. 

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