Thursday, July 12, 2018


Matthew 5:16  Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.

You can only shine for Jesus when His light is in your heart,The only way you do this, is when with Jesus you make your start.He's the light of the world and wants to live in you,So give Him your life right now and have peace like you never knew.As Christians we shine for Jesus, letting His light shine brightly to all,When the lost see our works for the Master, they will then upon Him call.  (RP)

The reason I do extensive therapies for all the muscle groups in my throat, is because of aspiration. The swallow test is given to determine this. I have failed several of them. What does that mean? It means when I swallow, liquids are aspirated into my lungs. There are things I must do to help in this problem. First there are the therapies I do thrice daily.  Oral hygiene is essential, therefore demanding brushing the teeth and tongue at least eight times a day.  This  precaution is necessary to eliminate as much disease to enter the lungs. Can you imagine how many tubes of toothpaste I have used?  This life is not boring. I thank you all for praying. 

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