Wednesday, March 21, 2018


James 4:7  Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.

We tend to make things complicated in our spiritual lives down here,
When all we really have to do is listen, and to God's word adhere.
The devil gives us plenty of guff, so why not beat him today.
With God's simple formula in your heart, you can drive him away.
Submit to God, let Him have control; Then the devil you can resist,
And you keep on doing this because the devil always persists. (RP)

I asked the speech and swallowing specialist yesterday why she put me on the smoothie for my  swallowing routine therapy.  She explained that it is thicker, and therefore less likely to be aspirated down into my lungs. I knew that already but I needed to hear it again from her. I use water also, but I thicken it with a substance which makes it a little safer when I am doing the therapy. She wanted to know if I felt okay after swallowing the smoothies. I told her I did. She said it is part of her therapy to help my swallowing mechanism. I am sure you know that that mechanism is extremely complicated. Only our loving Lord could have ever designed such a complex system. Will you pray with me that those swallowing muscles can be retrained to eat and swallow things normally again? I appreciate so much your help in prayer

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