Tuesday, August 14, 2018


  And He said to them,Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.  Matthew 4:19

If you don't follow Jesus you will not win men,
And we should hear this again and again.
Let's follow Jesus and bring them in,
So they receive forgiveness and freedom from sin.(RP)

Each week I go through missionary correspondence taking out prayer requests. These are put into our church prayer sheet. A copy of this is in the weekly bulletin distributed on Sundays. Missionaries are busy servants of the Lord, and it is hard for most of them to keep the supply line of emails so we can glean from them. Fortunately, because of my years on the field, I can make requests for the missionaries from time to time. It is an enjoyable exercise working up the prayer sheet. I am indebted also to Laurel Hicks who receives notices from the missionaries and sends them on to me. Thanks so much for praying.

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