Wednesday, August 22, 2018


  I John 5:12 
He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life.

The gospel message is so plain, John gives it to us here,
It is not hard to understand for it is very clear.
If you have the Son you are safe for sure,
Eternal life is yours and your future is secure.
I plead with you if you do not have the Son,
Believe in Jesus and the victory's won.(RP)

Margie and I always did the refrigerator cleaning as a team. She was not able to get down and remove things, or take out the vegetable bins for cleaning. I knew it needed  cleaning, so got that done. I am glad. When Rawlie comes to visit, he uses it also, so I wanted it looking nice for his next arrival (this week).  One day at a time, I will get things in order again. Margie's things are next. Thanks for praying. 

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