Thursday, February 1, 2018


John 3:30 He must increase, but I must decrease

Simple, but oh so profound, are the words before us today,
Christ must have all of us, if we want His blessing along the way.
Decrease yourself by magnifying the Lord in all you do,
He will guide you and help, as His will you pursue.  (RP)

In everything we are to be thankful. We don't always know the "why" of things, but that makes no difference. Just be thankful. This morning as I was "squirting" 10 large syringes of liquid into my stomach via the special tube, I realized how grateful I am to be alive. I want to keep on serving the Lord, and God willing, that may happen. As I "whisper" when talking, I am grateful I can whisper. I am also grateful for a son who had the foresight to get me a machine to amplify my voice. I am grateful that in my weakness I can pray. I notice that each day I am able to do more things in my pursuit toward independence; in the meantime, I am grateful for ALL who help me. Thanks for praying.

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