Friday, September 14, 2018


For we walk by faith, not by sight. 2 Cor 5:7

I am glad we don't have to see what's ahead. right around the next bend,
We are only asked to walk by faith and totally on the Lord depend,
He knows so much better what's ahead and I can trust Him for that,
But if I go it alone and walk without Him, I know I will fall down flat.  (RP)

Margie's sister Barb and her husband Jim visited me yesterday. We had such a nice time talking about many interesting happenings through the years. While they were here, I gave Barb some medication Margie used, still new in the packages, that she also takes. How nice to find a useful way to use that medication rather than throw it away. This morning is Bible study and in the afternoon I go to the audiologist, for routine maintenance on my hearing aids. Thanks for praying. 

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