Wednesday, June 20, 2018


He who tills his land will be satisfied with bread, But he who follows frivolity is devoid of understanding.Prov 12:11

God takes delight in those who work to provide their daily needs,
He surely knows their working skills and for sure this one succeeds,
But some are foolish in their ways, and lazy to say the least,
And they have proven by their lives that it'll be hard for them to feast. (RP)

I am blessed with a family that is caring. My son, Rawlie, occasionally comes here to do his special projects at work. The Internet connection in my  house is excellent, and he likes that. His company is special to me, and he does this because he enjoys it. This is the third visit from him and his family in a week. I thank the Lord for each of them. Thank you for praying. 

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