Tuesday, May 1, 2018


Psalm 97:10 You who love the Lord, hate evil! He preserves the souls of His saints; He delivers them out of the hand of the wicked.

Believers are so very blessed when they conduct their lives God's way,
They are to hate evil, a sensible thing, and He preserves them every day.
He keeps on protecting and delivering us from the hand of the wicked one,
So just keep on loving Him, dear friends, because He never will be outdone.  (RP)

I seem to give a lot of organ recitals since my major surgery. My shoulder which really flared up during recovery has given plenty of pain. so I knew I had to do something. Poor Margie suffered with her bone-on-bone shoulder problem until her death. Mine is not nearly that bad, but hinders me often in ways I use my left hand and arm. Hopefully the therapist is adjusting the therapy routines trying to accommodate to my particular needs. I appreciate him very much.  He added to my routines yesterday, so now I have "scores" of them along with the swallow therapy to try to get done every day. It all takes time and I seem to be running out of that in my daytime schedule. I'll just keep plugging away and one of these days things will get better, I know. I surely do thank you for praying. It means much to me. 

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