Sunday, January 21, 2018


This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

This verse inspires us today to live each day for Him,
Because he gives us life and breath and all things to enjoy,
I wonder if there are some out there who  forget this fact each day,
And go their merry way each step their own plan to employ.(RP)

Because of Rawlie & Gina's constant phone calls, we actually had a visiting nurse here yesterday. She took my vitals, assessed what I could do and what is being done for me. Gina had concerns about the PEG tube through which they feed me. The nurse cleaned it up more, and the next nurse will continue to work on it. I had visitors yesterday from my Friday Bible class. My voice is week, so I cannot speak very much. Unusual, but now I listen. Thanks for praying. 

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