Monday, January 15, 2018


Jeremiah 10:23 O LORD, I know the way of man is not in himself; ;It is not in man who walks to direct his own steps.

We know we all need help, to make it through every day,
Because we are unable to know what's right and how to direct our way.
We need God's help for everything and especially each step we take,

And at the end of the day we thank Him much because we did not his leading forsake. (RP)

Surgery weakens one. I cannot fully care for myself. I need help, and praise the Lord Rawlie and Gina are here for that. With my sternum cut plus ribs, I hug a pillow. THAT MUST BE DONE IN ORDER NOT TO UNDO THE SURGERY.  With stomach tube feeding, I forget it is a MEAL, so didn't pray. Now I do. I also "eat" 4 times a day. Each meal I get 8 large syringes (60 ml).  Thanks for praying for these adjustments.

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