Saturday, June 11, 2011


One never knows what a day may bring forth.   As I was preparing to leave at noon the painting job, Margie called saying the distress and pain in her abdomen was increasing.  She thought she should go to the E.R. because her family couldn't see her until Monday morning.  So we arrived at the E.R. before 1:30 and the place was BUSY.  Dr. Sullivan ordered an ultra sound of the gall bladder which turned out a good report. We were thankful.  Then he ordered an MRI and after that was diagnosed, the report was GOOD.  But Margie still had no answer for the pain.  I guess at this juncture, we still don't know.  He did prescribe medication that may help that pain subside.  I think it is all a GUESSING game.  So I will leave shortly to pick up the prescription and Margie will start that to see if there is some relief.  I called the prayer chain at our church and we appreciate so much those who are praying for Margie.  Our son arrived while we were gone and it was nice to see him when we arrived.   We had been gone for over 7-1/2 hours.

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