Sunday, June 5, 2011

Catching up

Yesterday there were many things at my desk which I had to care for.  So I spent the good part of the day doing them.  It never ceases to amaze us how much there is to do in retirement.  I know why, it's just that we don't care to admit it. Yesterday Margie made her usual telephone calls, ministering to different ones around the country. She started this because on our Shepherd's travels, Saturday was free usage on cell phones so it worked out well.  We also went over to the Conifer house to examine my paint job and take pictures, but also inspect our grandson's fine tile work on the fireplace heat shield. This morning, Lord willing, we will be going down the hill to our church in Ferndale.  We look forward to this.  The day is beautiful and the temperature should be in the 70's. Margie's last two nights have not been the best.  She is having back problems which truly hinder her sleeping.  We will try to get her some help on that tomorrow. Thanks for praying.

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