Wednesday, September 2, 2015


Proverbs 12:26 
The righteous should choose his friends carefully,for the way of the wicked leads them astray.

Great is the heritage of friends; they help us in many ways,
So don't ever get caught with the wicked; he really betrays,
Always take care in picking your friends; it always pays.
Another plus is that God takes pleasure in the one who obeys.(RP)

Yesterday's heavy appointment day went well. At the wound clinic, they assured Margie that the pressure ulcer they are treating has no cancer. This is a blessing. They want her to have a special artery and vein scan in her one leg (which is more swollen) to be sure all is well in her circulation. We are awaiting word about that appointment. She also got a positive report from the retina specialist that there was less water in her eye problem. She had another shot in the right eye and she sees him again in 8 weeks. We also attended the monthly missionary meeting at church and heard from Catherine Russell about her year in Thailand. This morning I take Margie to have a permanent. I am in the process now of doing the weekly washing of clothes.  Thanks so much for praying. 

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