Tuesday, September 8, 2015


John 15:14 
You are My friends if you do whatever I command you.

What a joy to be called a friend of Jesus; this is healthy desire,
And for all who read these humble lines, to this you should aspire.
To be Jesus' friend, you must personally receive Him into your life,
When you do there is freedom,and usually much less strife.
Belonging to Jesus means you follow His commands,
Doing from the heart what He earnestly of you demands.
So come aboard dear friend, and begin with Jesus today,
Ask Him into your life,read His word, and then its words obey.(RP)

Yesterday more plans were made concerning the memorial service for my brother's wife, Marlene. Our daughter-in-law and son thought I should perhaps go to Anchorage and help Harold. That was so gracious of them to pay the passage. Before the day was over Harold's boss insisted on providing the passage. But our family was responsible for putting this in motion and we are grateful to them. Lord willing I will fly out of Bellingham on the 18th and return the 21st. Harold's entire family's consensus was for me to come to do the service. I am humbled by this for sure. Margie wanted me to do it also but she will have to have help in my absence. I dare not leave her alone. Our family has thoughtfully volunteered to help while I am gone. For this we are very grateful. Thanks so much for praying. This morning we take Margie to the Wound Healing Clinic for another dressing of her wound.  

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