Wednesday, September 9, 2015


The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but those things which are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law. Deuteronomy 29:29

God tells us many things in the Bible, His holy Book,
Many fail to see these things because they do not look.
He does have some secrets that are hidden from us,
Don't worry about this things or make a great big fuss.
The things God wants from us are written in these pages,
Some we do right now and others we practice in stages.
The things He has revealed are for us and our kids to obey,
So get with it dear reader and do what He commands today.(RP)

At the Wound Healing Clinic yesterday the doctor was pleased that Margie's pressure ulcer was diminishing. She will have to wear compression hose from now on to prevent this happening again. Our son called in the evening to go over some of the options for Margie's care while I am in Anchorage. We are grateful for our family's help.  Fortunately I will be able to have the Friday Bible class next week, and leave in the afternoon for Anchorage. Our thanks to all who are praying about these things. 

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