Saturday, January 19, 2013



Let them do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to give, willing to share,  I Timothy 6:18

After salvation comes good works which God commands us to do, 
He gives the strength to work for Him and the tasks to always pursue.
We all are gifted in different ways, some give of their money and share,
Others give time and talents to God, and of each one He is aware

When Margie gets a good night of sleep, it is always a blessing.  Last night, after finally falling asleep, she had one of her best ones. Yesterday was busy with my Bible Class.  It was well attended with one new member. Margie continues to read our journals to cull out seed thoughts for more stories for our Brazil book. Our son arrived in the evening.  Our grandson has been with us all week.  We heard of a dear friend who is very ill and if you receive this on Saturday, please pray I will be able to speak to him about the Lord.  Thank you so much for praying.

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