Monday, January 7, 2013

More of the same

And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us,an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma.Ephesians 5:2
Because of Christ's love we are to walk in love, His example is all we need,
When He gave Himself on Calvary that day, it was the greatest sacrifice indeed.
His work on the cross was an aroma sweet to our Heavenly Father above,
And all who receive Him for salvation today will know much about His love.(RP)

Margie certainly did not have a good night.  We are sorry about this. Yesterday I was honored to preach at our home church.  Our grandson wanted to come hear me preach and we were pleased to have him with us.  Today we will continue our pursuit to bring closure to our Brazil book deal.  We are not close to that goal yet. Margie is still going through journals of the last ten years we were on the field, culling out seed thoughts for me to write stories on. Thanks for remembering us as we do all this and especially for Margie's health. 

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