Friday, January 25, 2013

Same story


But those who wait on the LORD Shall renew their strength;They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary,They shall walk and not faint.Isaiah 40:31

Waiting, for most, is a grueling chore, and one that we all need to hone,
The rewards are great for those who persist and its results will soon be known.
Our Lord gives strength unbelievable, for those who will hear His voice,
At journey's end, and we obediently walked, we will know we made the right choice.

We hope soon Margie's sleep problem will be resolved.  She comes with a long history of this issue so we just don't know the answer. Thankfully she has learned to cope with it but a good night's rest is a blessing I wish she could enjoy.  We teach a Bible class this morning at the Ferndale Senior Center.  It is a real fun time to be in the Word.  The "students" do well and I appreciate them.  Thanks so much for praying. 

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