Tuesday, March 31, 2015


Colossians 3:14 
But above all these things put on love, which is the bond of perfection.

Love is the badge of believers, we wear it because it's a gift,
When Jesus saved our soul, his love gave us a huge lift.
Love is the fruit of the Spirit of God, put it on daily with prayer, 
It is the bond of perfection, and with it you have a treasure rare.(RP)

Margie had her special fluoroscope exam yesterday, but we do not know the results yet. The doctor will notify us later after he reviews everything. Today she goes to physical therapy in Lynden. I take her and shop while she is there. I have a slight start of those vertigo spells I used to suffer, so I will see a chiropractor this afternoon. These days are busy with appointments. We have some each day this week. Thanks for praying. 

Monday, March 30, 2015


Ephesians 4:29Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.

It's easy for us to use wrong words and speak things that are bad,
And when we think of what we've done, it makes us very sad. 
God warns us not to talk that way, but be wholesome with our speech,
Help others, and benefit them with words than encourage and teach.(RP)

Today Margie has a special test to try to determine what is causing so much discomfort to her.  The endoscopy exam apparently showed nothing to concern them, although it did us. Part of her stomach was in her chest, the doctor reported. Thus the test today to try to determine how best to treat this situation. We had a wonderful morning at church with missionary Sharon Rahilly speaking. She is a wonderful communicator and blessed all with her report of her nursing ministry in Togo, Africa. Our son and his family returned to Stanwood yesterday morning. Thanks for your prayers, 

Sunday, March 29, 2015


But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of 
God, to those who believe in His name:  John 1:`12

Oh the joy of sins forgiven, and knowing you are God's child,
Before we were sinners, lost and undone,definitely in the wild.
Receiving Jesus into our lives, He makes us children of God,
We have peace and contentment with Him, as onward we plod.(RP)

Today we look forward to attending church. Sharon Rahilly, missionary to Togo, Africa, will be speaking. She writes intriguing letters of her ministry there, working with the two hospitals run by the mission agency A.B.W.E. (Association of Baptists for World Evangelism). Her main ministry, among many others, is training nationals in the nursing program. God has used her mightily.  Our son and part of his family were with us for lunch yesterday. In fact they provided the main course.  Margie made a delicious jello salad, and all enjoyed it. I used what left-over time was available, to work more on Genesis. Then I got a watch battery at Walgreens and got Margie's watch working again. Thanks for your prayers. 

Saturday, March 28, 2015


Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. John 14:27

In a world that's so agitated, and so many very high-strung,
I'm glad the Lord has answers for the old and also the young.
He gives peace for needy souls;what a blessing to receive,
And to think it's here for you if you just claim it and believe.
When God's peace controls your heart, you are truly blessed,
Let not your heart be troubled, because you have the best.
Fear is gone forever when His peace reins in your soul,
When my heart grows anxious, my burden upon Him I roll.(RP)

The Bible study went well yesterday and all seemed pleased to be studying the first two verses of Genesis. There was good discussion,intelligent questions,and a quality time of learning God's word. We spent the rest of the afternoon leisurely doing things around the house. In fact I studied for next week's lesson. Our son sent a text that he was coming in the evening so we looked forward to that. He and I will go to Starbucks this morning for coffee. Part of his family will be here with him for lunch today at our house. We are happy they are coming. Thanks for praying. 

Friday, March 27, 2015


For I am the LORD, I do not change…. Malachi 3:6

I'm so glad our heavenly Father changes not,
He is pure,and in any wrong he cannot be caught.
He can be counted on because He does not fail,
He helps each one of us, even when we are frail.
Circumstances change, and oft we are in a mess,
He helps us overcome, even when there's stress.
Thank God we are safe in Him; He always cares,
And through every trial our every burden bears.(RP)

Yesterday at prayer meeting at our church, we heard the elevator is being repaired so the only route to the prayer room was stairs. Margie said she was going. We got there and with the use of handrails on each side of the staircase, she was able to ascend and descend just right. I am proud of her effort to climb the stairs. Today is our BIG day because of the Bible study this morning. We ALWAYS look forward to it. The members seem quite pleased we are starting the book of Genesis. I am too, and it has been a pleasure to prepare for it. Thanks for praying. 

Thursday, March 26, 2015


Psalm 46:10 
Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!

Everyone is so busy; not many have time for God,
Some put on a mask, and present another facade.
God tells His own to be still, and truly know His ways,
In this we really learn, and are genuinely amazed.
Help me today to honor You, giving You ample time,
When I do I will rise indeed to a new level sublime.(RP)

After several days of rain, the weatherman says sunshine will be here today. In fact just a few minutes ago it was shining.  Yesterday Margie had her feet worked on in the morning and we spent the rest of the day doing things around the house. On the way home, we stopped to see a friend in the hospital who was not doing well at all. We also visited Everett Boraker in the hospital, recovering from surgery. His wife had surgery at noon and today they will both be released to go home. Today will be full with a morning and afternoon commitment.  Thanks for praying. 

Wednesday, March 25, 2015


Psalms 7:1
LORD my God, I take refuge in you; save and deliver me from all who pursue me.

The forces of evil are against us; we cannot escape their work,
But praise God we do have recourse; we must not this option shirk.
The Lord is our place of refuge, ready to help us right now,
So come to Him without delay, and at His feet humbly bow.(RP)

This morning Margie goes to the foot doctor, and from there we will drop by the hospital to see a dear friend. Yesterday our good friends came by for a visit and we thoroughly enjoyed it. Today we will need to get a few things while in Bellingham, then the rest of the day will be free to do the things we need to get done. I am working ahead on the book of Genesis, making study sheets. It is fascinating to work this project.  Thanks for praying. 

Tuesday, March 24, 2015


Psalm 133:1 
Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!

Fellowship sweet is given to us, if we only let God do His part,
We must determine to walk with Him, and from this never depart.
Each believer in Jesus is our brother or sister, and this is great,
The Holy Spirit will give you friendships to enjoy that are first rate.(RP)

Margie has been waking up early lately. But at least she seems to do fairly well during the night. Yesterday was a more leisurely day. I did some light shopping at the grocery store and Walgreens. I helped by doing some housework.  I spent some time adding to my class notes that I will be teaching Friday on Genesis. It is an interesting study and the class seems interested about it.  Thanks for praying. 

Monday, March 23, 2015


Mark 12:30 And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength. This is the first commandment.

God's commands are easy to understand, and come with full intent,
Listen to them and obey or else the results we cannot circumvent.
To love God wholly is our duty, and we should gladly our Lord obey,
If you've never started, friend, please begin and follow Him today.(RP)

We are grateful for opportunities to serve. With a fairly full schedule the last several days, we received another invitation to speak in April at a church south of us in another town. We look forward to this. Yesterday I taught one of the adult classes during Sunday School. I was asked to do it for two weeks. I was happy to minister. Today will be more relaxed as we continue to make more lessons for future classes in Genesis. Margie faithfully does her physical therapy routines and it is paying off with more strength and better balance. Thanks for your prayers.

Sunday, March 22, 2015


Put on the armor of light. Put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill its lusts. Romans 13:12, 14

God gives us protection for many things; we must play close attention to all,
Put on the armor of light and Christ; this will help much so you'll not fall. 
Allowing for the flesh in our lives, leads to much trouble that's serious indeed,
So dress in God's armor and walk in His will; this will equip to really succeed.(RP)

We are thankful Margie had a good night.  Last evening she was doubting if she could even go to church because she was feeling so sick. Today she is back in action and we are thankful. Yesterday was a more leisurely day. Margie made some calls, like she usually does on Saturday. Our son called and we had a nice visit also. I spent time doing more research for teaching Genesis and brushing up on my Sunday School lesson which I have this morning. We trust your day goes well. Thanks so much for praying.  

Saturday, March 21, 2015


Matthew 6:33 
But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.

God's blessings are promised in words clear and plain,
Just listen to them now and please don't have disdain.
Seek God first in your life every day; enjoy His word,
You will receive from God things that you never heard.
Walking righteously is His plan for you; do it every day,
Honors from Him will be yours,because you are in His way.(RP)

Yesterday's Bible class went well and the tables were all filled plus others sitting against the walls. We finished II Thessalonians and next Friday begin Genesis. I handed out the study sheets for those in the class.  At home I worked on the next study sheet and then made final preparations for the memorial service in the early evening (6PM). We were wondering how many would be there for the service, but were surprised and pleased such a good number was there to remember Jim Hill. After the reception, we returned home and were glad to be there after the busy day.  Thanks for praying. 

Friday, March 20, 2015


For there is not a word on my tongue, but behold, O LORD, You know it altogether. Psalm 139:4

There's nothing about us God does not know,
We try to hide something but it will always show.
God knows our thoughts before words are formed,
So we better be wise and to His will be conformed.
Ask God to guard your heart and tongue today,
So He is in control of everything we think and say.(RP)

We don't know what happened. Yesterday Margie said the new glasses she got don't help her read. She actually does better without them. When she tested, things looked good to her. We will schedule another appointment with the doctor and see if he has a solution. Yesterday was a busy day and the afternoon prayer meeting is always a blessing. This morning we have our Bible study and this evening the memorial service. We trust your day is going well. Thanks for praying.  

Thursday, March 19, 2015


And when they were come to the place, which is called Calvary, there they crucified him, and the malefactors, one on the right hand, and the other on the left.Luke 23:33

On Calvary's hill He was crucified; His blood was shed for me,
When He arose, salvation was complete, for all to be made free.
The men who died with Him that day, were on either side of Him,
One humbly asked to be with Him, on a day that was very dim.
Jesus promised paradise that day, and when he died he was there,
And all who receive Jesus as Savior, are forever under His care. (RP)

I was asked to speak at our church's AWANA Grand Prix last night. It is always more difficult to hold the attention of children. I have always been able to do it, using visuals, illustrations, etc. Last night I used Power Point to illustrate my message and it worked well. Parents and children were present and the excitmement ran high. When I spoke I explained to all of them that this would be the quietest time of the evening. Thankfully they paid good attention and it was quiet. There were those present who are unchurched and the gospel was given, so we pray it will bring results. The most wonderful thing about last night was that Margie was able to be with me. She got pretty tired before it was over, so right after I spoke, we came home.  Thanks for praying. 

Wednesday, March 18, 2015


Psalm 28:7 
The Lord is my strength and my shield; My heart trusted in Him, and I am helped; Therefore my heart greatly rejoices, And with my song I will praise Him.

Fellowship with the Lord is the greatest relationship known,
With Him by your side you'll never be forsaken or alone.
He is our strength and shield, so trust Him more and more,
His help comes as you trust, and it's always better than before.
Rejoicing comes for the trusting, and singing to praise His name,
The more we sing His praises, the more we want His name to proclaim.(RP)

Yesterday Margie received her new glasses. This morning she joyfully told me how nice it was to read the Bible without difficulty. The new glasses really help. We are thanking the Lord for this blessing. She has been having a dreadfully hard time reading her Bible each morning. We praise the Lord for professionals who know how to help people this way. Margie also had physical therapy yesterday and her therapist said she was making good progress in her strength and balance levels. We are grateful for this report. Yesterday we had a surprise visit from Nathan, our grandson. It was delightful visiting with him. Thank you all for praying.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015


Those who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31

We are taught much from nature as the Lord reviews His creatures,
They are fascinating words, and the Lord is the best of teachers.
Eagles indeed renew their strength in amazing ways we're told,
And the way they teach their offspring is delightful and quite bold.
We're called to wait upon the Lord; the results are promised here,
And what joy it is to follow Him, and know we do so without fear. (RP)

Margie received good news from the vision center yesterday that her glasses were ready for pick up. Today after her physical therapy session we will drive into Bellingham to get them. I was relieved yesterday to complete my message for the AWANA program Wednesday night. The Lord enabled me to put together a Power Point presentation to help me. I still have much studying to do in preparation for future obligations. But all this is delightful as I do what I thoroughly enjoy-teaching. Thanks for praying. 

Monday, March 16, 2015


 James 1:2-4 
My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. 

Some things seem to rub us the wrong way,
God knows this and has something to say.
Trials are sent by Him to teach us every day,
Patience is the reason, so from this don't sway.
God tests our patience and we will be okay,
If we commit all to Him and do not delay.

We thoroughly enjoyed Sunday. I was privileged to be able to teach one of the adult Sunday School classes and I always enjoy that. It was quite a rainy day and kept it up till late in the evening. I did a lot of research for another message I give mid-week.  Then the computer sort of crashed as far as my website is concerned. I called Yahoo support but in the end fixed it myself when  I realized a heavy price was involved with repairs. Before I went to bed, all was working fine. Thank you Lord, for the help. And thank YOU for your prayers. 

Sunday, March 15, 2015


But as for you, brethren, do not grow weary in doing good.
2 Thessalonians 3:13

Sometimes we grow tired and weary, and we don't know what to do,
God tells us simply to not grow weary, but there's something else for you. 
By doing good is the source of our strength, so don't give up my friend,
Just keep on plugging, working for Him, and fully on Him depend. (RP)

I'm up early this morning because I teach one of the adult Sunday School classes this morning. I have several commitments for speaking, and yesterday my study time was limited. This morning I am going over my lesson early before the rush of the day starts. Margie is still sleeping, and I hope she had a good night. She insisted on preparing a quick meal for our son and daughter-in-law who were with us for lunch yesterday. She was pretty tired after that, but I know it means a lot to her to entertain this way. Then we all attended the 90th birthday open house for Doris Robertson, a long time friend of ours here in Ferndale. It was really nice seeing our friends at that occasion. As always, thank you for praying. 

Saturday, March 14, 2015


Psalms 20:7
Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God.

Mankind puts trust in many things, and some are useful too,
But compared to what God gives there is nothing that will do.
We trust in His name, the Lord our God; this is the place to be,
Communion with Jesus our Lord is sweet; to this we all agree.(RP)

Margie had quite a wait for her endoscopy exam yesterday. After the exam the doctor reported that he found something that may be the cause of her discomfort for such a long time.  It is too complicated for this layperson to describe but at least I know it involves the stomach and part of it being where it shouldn't be.  So with further tests he will be able to determine how best to treat the situation. We appreciate prayer about this and thank you for your help.

Friday, March 13, 2015


Revelation 21:4
He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.

When we get to heaven what rejoicing it will be,
We will be at peace, and our Savior we will see.
Tears we've had down here will all be wiped away,
The new order of things will bring a glorious day. (RP)

Today is Bible class and in the afternoon Margie has an upper endoscopy. Going without food is not very pleasing for her, but soon it will be over, we pray. Margie said she had one of her best nights. She never awakened one time during the night. That is amazing. Thanks dear friends, for praying. 

Thursday, March 12, 2015


When you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be troubled; for such things must happen, but the end is not yet. Mark 13:7

It seems that wars never end, and God told us it would be that way,
He also tells us to not be overwhelmed, because He has more to say.
These things, and many more are on His list, and there is still more,
And in Bible prophecy we read that there is still much to underscore.
We are glad that our future is with Him, and we rest calmly in His care,
When wars, strife and unrest rage on, with Him we are never in despair.(RP)

At the Low Vision Center yesterday the doctor was very hopeful in his help for Margie. He gave some very practical points on how to improve her vision and prescribed glasses that we are confident will help her a lot. We are pleased and thankful for such men who are trained to do these things. Margie had a very good night. We are thankful. Thanks for praying.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015


Romans 5:8 
But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

God first showed His love for us; lost sinners we were without hope.
We were lost and tired of our sin, trying everything we could to cope.
But thank God someone told us about Jesus, who loved us very much, 
And we learned that He died to save us, so we ran to him for His touch.
He saved us and gave us new life, and now we are free from our sins,
Thank God there is salvation in Him, and any who receive Him wins.(RP)

We are grateful for a good report by the retina specialist yesterday. He gave her another shot in the eye, like he always does, and said to make an appointment 8 weeks from now.  Today we go to another vision clinic to see a doctor who hopefully can fit Margie with glasses so she can read better.  We are praying this will work out. Margie loves to read, but is hindered by poor vision.  Thanks so much for praying. 

Tuesday, March 10, 2015


Proverbs 15:1
A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.

Rough and rude answers are so crude, and never help calm things,
God's ways are best - He's right; a gentle word real peace brings.
Begin today to smooth your talk and be gentle in things you say,
You will soon discover  that all is better, and peace is on its way.(RP)

We are hopeful and praying much that today's visit to the retina specialist will be encouraging for Margie. The specialist has given her a pretty good report the last few times and we pray that will continue. Then tomorrow we go to another specialist who will try to fit her with lenses to help her read. We will tell you about that after it's over. Thanks so much for praying. We are so thankful she had a very good night last night.

Monday, March 9, 2015


Make vows to the Lord your God and pay them 
Psalm 76:11
When you make a vow you promise something,
You must be in earnest about everything.
God makes you accountable for decisions made, 
This is good because you know it must be paid.
Don't go glibly on this road; it doesn't pay you well, 
If perchance you disobey,you'll have a story to tell. (RP)

We wish Margie could feel better most or all the time, but apparently that is not to be. She was pretty low yesterday, although we had a delightful time at Sunday School and church. This week she has several appointments which will keep us busy. She did not sleep well at all last night. We pray she does better tonight.  Thanks for praying. We appreciate it. 

Sunday, March 8, 2015


Psalm 5:3 
My voice You shall hear in the morning, O Lord; In the morning I will direct it to You, and I will look up.

Do you talk to the Lord each morning? Is he always on your list?
I hope you take time for Him today, and know he will assist.
Determine not to miss a day to talk to your Father above,
Look up to him and let Him know you appreciate His love. (RP)

We are thankful Margie had the strength to prepare the meal for our family. They came for lunch, visited some then had to return home. We were happy they could be with us for awhile. The meal was delicious, chuck roast and all the trimmings. The weather is fabulous. Yesterday we set our clocks ahead for Daylight Saving. Margie had a restless night, but slept enough so she feels like being able to attend the services today at church. We are glad she can. Thanks so much for your faithful prayer support.

Saturday, March 7, 2015


He gives power to the weak, and to those who have no might He increases strength. Isaiah 40:29

Some people think they are strong; I wonder what they think,
Does God just look at them and quietly give a wink?Weak ones know they are weak, and seek His help today,
God gives them power, and we know this is the best way.
So you who have no strength, you know what He will do,
Come to him and find strength, and you will be blessed anew.(RP)

Rawlie, Gina and David will be here for lunch today. Margie is preparing a roast for the occasion. They will be here on business so said they would drop by. We then invited them for lunch.  Yesterday's Bible class went well. Some were sick and could not be there but 5 or 6 tables were filled anyway. Soon we will be studying the book of Genesis. I am preparing for that now. Today we set our clocks ahead.  Summer is coming and next week our lawn will be mowed for the first time since Fall. Thank you for praying. 

Friday, March 6, 2015


Isaiah 55:8-9
For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways, says the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts.

We earthly minded folks just don't understand God's ways,
But we better get in tune with Him because it really pays.
God knows our thoughts are not His, so he reminds us here,
If we just read the Bible more,I'm sure we would not fear.
God's ways and thoughts overwhelm; this is good you see,
His will for us we can know right now; obeying Him is the key.(RP)

Yesterday was a busy one, but we managed to get through it ok. Margie did not have a very good night, but we always pray the next one will be better. It is always GREAT when Friday comes. We look forward to the Bible class. After that we should have a more leisurely afternoon. Thanks for praying

Thursday, March 5, 2015


Philippians 2:3
Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.

Look what God wants you to do today.
The kids will say,It will blow you away.
Selfish ambition is on His no no list.
To this God will always and rightly insist.
Don't be conceited in anything you do,
This proves to Him that you are really true.
In humility consider others better than you,
Soon you will learn things that you never knew. (RP)

Yesterday's visit to the doctor resulted in him ordering an endoscopy exam. This may show what is causing her stomach discomfort. We pray it will. She had to have a blood draw also at the lab on our way home. Yesterday was the usual bed sheet change and washing and ironing.  So it made for a pretty busy time considering we awakened quite early to get to the doctor's appointment.  Thanks for praying.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015


Jeremiah 33:3 
Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.

You read the Bible and it seems so dull and dry,
Why don't you pray and really give it one more try.
God will answer your prayer with something great,
He will show you things that are classed as first rate.
You don't know all God wants you to know just yet,
Give Him time and you'll learn things and not forget.(RP)

Margie sees the doctor today who does endoscopy exams. He will determine with her if she really needs an upper endoscopy. Yesterday we attended the missionary meeting at church to pray for and learn how things are going with several of the missionaries we know.  I did a lot of research for the book of Genesis that we will start soon in our Friday Bible study class. The weather has been cold the last few days. This morning (now) it is 27 degrees F. here in Ferndale. Again, we thank you for your prayers.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015


Do all things without complaining. In everything give thanks. Philippians 2:14; 1 Thessalonians 5:18

We tend to complain about many things and this is not right,
We should accept what God allows; in this He would delight.
Learn to thank Him in everything; this is what He asks us to do,
You'll be content and happier, and have blessings, not a few. (RP)

It's amazing, but we have no commitments today. Margie usually cleans the bathrooms. She wants to do them as long as she can, because it keeps her in motion. The doctors want that, and we know it does help, even though tiring for her.  Yesterday I attempted, and at least started, to organize a new alarm system I have for the house. We have had it for 6 months or more, but I have not had time enough to dedicate to its installation. Maybe this week I will get some progress on that project.  Thank you all for praying.

Monday, March 2, 2015


For the word of God is living and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword. Hebrews 4:12

The Bible, God's word is so powerful, and meets us where we are,
It cuts through the glitter of life and will do it without leaving a scar.
The Bible has answers to life's problems; you would be wise to look,
Take time to read what God says about YOU, in this wonderful Book.
Be alert as you read this Book; it reveals your weakness for sure,
Follow its precepts my friend; God will cleanse and make you pure(RP)

This week our schedule is a little easier. Margie has one doctor appointment very early Wednesday morning. Yesterday we had a delightful morning at church. Our Sunday School teacher and his wife (Chuck and Cindy Heath) are going to work at Shepherds for a few weeks. During the service Cindy was called up to give a report and she told of the overwhelming offering given for ukuleles. Also Helen Steele spoke of her retirement from service in Athens Greece. After church we stopped to assist a person who needed to clear out a room for the workers to come in this morning and lay a new floor in her office.  Thanks again for your prayers,  

Sunday, March 1, 2015


Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep. Romans 12:15

Learn to relate to others in the things they feel each day,
Some are hurting badly; some are very happy and okay.
Learn to weep or laugh with those who need your touch,
You will soon discover that you have learned so very much.
God is looking for those who will heed this word today,
And help a fellow traveler who needs you along the way.(RP)

Isn't Sunday great!  It is the start of a new week. We are thankful we have the health to attend church today. Margie had a pretty good day yesterday. She made rice crispy cookies, because she knew our family would probably drop by.  Sure enough they did after tending to some business they had in Bellingham. It was nice having them for a short visit. Yesterday I tried to prune our rose bush. I know only one thing: I made the stems shorter, but am not convinced I did it according to the way the experts suggest. We pray you all have a great day. For some who read this, it is already the next day. Thanks for praying.