Sunday, March 29, 2015


But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of 
God, to those who believe in His name:  John 1:`12

Oh the joy of sins forgiven, and knowing you are God's child,
Before we were sinners, lost and undone,definitely in the wild.
Receiving Jesus into our lives, He makes us children of God,
We have peace and contentment with Him, as onward we plod.(RP)

Today we look forward to attending church. Sharon Rahilly, missionary to Togo, Africa, will be speaking. She writes intriguing letters of her ministry there, working with the two hospitals run by the mission agency A.B.W.E. (Association of Baptists for World Evangelism). Her main ministry, among many others, is training nationals in the nursing program. God has used her mightily.  Our son and part of his family were with us for lunch yesterday. In fact they provided the main course.  Margie made a delicious jello salad, and all enjoyed it. I used what left-over time was available, to work more on Genesis. Then I got a watch battery at Walgreens and got Margie's watch working again. Thanks for your prayers. 

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