Saturday, May 17, 2014


As for God, His way is perfect; The word of the LORD is proven; He is a shield to all who trust in Him.
Psalm 18:30

Those who have trusted Jesus as Savior, know that God's way is best,
They know that in Him is wisdom supreme, and indescribable rest.
His Word is so sure and tested by all; in it is their road map each day,
The protection given for those who trust, is a shield for those who obey. (RP)

Rawlie and Nathan are here to do some work on one of their homes.  It is always nice having them around, although they are pretty busy and away from our house most of the time.  Our class yesterday was a blessing and a very good attendance.  We are pleased with the number of those who enjoy the study in Revelation.  The cooler weather returned, so no evaporation coolers are needed today.  We hear, however, that by mid week, they will be appreciated again. We'll see.  Thanks for praying. 

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