Monday, May 19, 2014


If we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another. 
1 John 1:7

A condition is placed on believers in Christ, we see it plainly here,
Only those who walk in His light will have fellowship; that is clear. Not only do we have fellowship with Him, but other believers too,
And that makes this walk a special one, for all to seek and do.(RP)

Sunday started the week and today the work begins.  We have several things pending on our schedule and we must start today in order to get them taken care of.  Utmost in our thinking is the class in Revelation which requires ample preparation by me and the class members.  Each of them receive a study sheet with questions for the next class session.  That keeps us all busy.  We also want to organize what's left of our garage sale unsold items, so we can donate them to the young people's garage sale at our church.  Thanks so much for praying. 

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