Sunday, July 31, 2011


A memorial service was held yesterday for a dear friend of ours.  Another friend and I were officiating this service.  Margie was determined to go to it.  We were pleased she wanted to.  We all had a grand time fellowshipping at the close of the service.  Margie did well and today (Sunday) is determined to go to church. Again we are pleased she wants to and has the strength for it.  It's almost 7:45 a.m. and she wants me to awaken her at 8.  She will begin her preparations for medication, breakfast and getting ready for departure around 10 a.m. I do not leave Margie alone since her seizures.  Our church has a picnic today after church but right now it is raining.  I am sure that will be replaced by better weather later on in the morning.  We do not plan on attending that.  It would be too much for Margie.  Thanks, dear ones for praying.  We appreciate it greatly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Olá meus queridos irmãos, aqui é o Salomão Batista. Ontem estive com o João Cabral e ele me falou das suas lutas aí. Quero dizer que estaremos aqui na brecha suplicando ao Senhor que continue derramando as suas bençãos sobre as suas vidas. Temos boas memórias de vocês todos. Amamos vocês. Salmo 1.