Friday, May 27, 2011


Lately we have been intrigued by what we believe is a domesticated rabbit which comes into our yard "for breakfast" from time to time.  It is a beautiful animal.  Surely it must belong to one of the neighbors and is released to get its own food.  We are amused when the birds and the rabbit seem to taunt one another.   Yesterday Margie was able to do some minor cooking in the kitchen to have some food on hand for Rawlie and his family who were here for supper last night. Rawlie and Nathan also had lunch here.  Rawlie enjoys my lattes so I make them for him while he is working at his laptop for his company.  He got permission to work from home so he could be in Ferndale where the rental houses are and sort of supervise Nathan's work on them.  I also painted at one of these homes and will continue today also.  It is raining cats and dogs.  That's the price of greenery in Washington.  Margie is still asleep but I am quite sure she had a good night last night.

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