Saturday, December 17, 2016


We give thanks to God always for you all, making mention of you in our prayers, (1Th 1:2)

Lord I need to enlarge my prayer list, and include more people today.
Please show me how to do this, and teach me Lord to pray. (RP)

This morning at 6, Margie complained her heart was pounding and she was sick. We went to emergency in Bellingham at St. Joseph hospital. She was taken in immediately. This time the doctor augmented her regular heart medication with another, to see if it would help bring things back to normal. They took all the tests they always do and much blood. Margie waited, was very cold and the warm blankets comforted her, (no pun intended).  She wanted to go home but first all the tests had to be done and then we waited. Finally this afternoon we arrived home. She had not eaten a thing since last night, so lunch was much appreciated. Thanks for praying. We appreciate it much. 

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