Saturday, March 19, 2016


As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten. 
Revelation 3:19

As a faithful Father, God deals with us as He should,
And perhaps because of this He is misunderstood.
But He rebukes and chastens us because of His love,
And this is all a reflection of His Father up above. 
Let us thank Him now that He cares so much for us,
Because of this we are blessed and we are in the plus (RP)

For a long time I have wanted to clean our garage. Time moves on and I never got it done. Things accumulate, the passageway narrows, and on and on the story goes.  Yesterday I finally decided to tackle the unsightly mess.  About 3 hours later it looked more like civilized people live at this address. Maybe 3 more times from now, it will finally pass my approval. Our son Rawlie comes today to hook up the washing machine we got Wednesday. The reason he is coming is because we must install two new faucets for the hot and cold water. One had corroded beyond repair.  We will be glad when that hook up is complete. Thanks for praying. 

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