Sunday, July 26, 2015


And be kind to one another, tenderhearted,
forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you.
Ephesians 4:32

This is the hardest commandment to obey if your are not living for the Lord,
Put Jesus in His rightful place and I assure you He will be your great reward.
Kindness to all is God's command, and besides this, tenderhearted be,
These are possible only through Him, and to this fact none can disagree.
A forgiving heart is a precious thing,made possible by His great love,
And this is because He forgave us; all a beautiful gift from above.
This has been a great week for us. Margie has done real well in preparing meals for our son who has been with us for the week. We tried to encourage her not to push herself, but she wanted to make some desserts, etc. She did. Today we go to Sunday School and church. A special speaker will be there and our son and grandson will also attend. The weather has been definitely cooler. Margie really likes it this way. Thanks for praying. 

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