Friday, May 18, 2012

Much pain

I felt so sorry for Margie yesterday.  After therapy she started having pain which increased to the point of tears. With medication it was subdued a little but continued all the rest of the day.  She feared she had undone something of the surgery.  The nurses assured us this is typical with this type of surgery.  That gave some relief but Margie was having to suffer. She called this morning and said she had a good night. We are so thankful for this. Joy was better also.  They just started some medication on her because she was having some sort of discomfort in the shoulders or neck.  Because she cannot communicate, it is hard to know what she is feeling. When I entered her room to visit, she broke out in a beautiful smile and just kept it up while I was there.  Thank  you for praying for Margie and Joy.  Margie has her post operation appointment Monday morning.

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