Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Day after surgery

Yesterday went as well as can be expected.  We are impressed again at the organization of things at the hospital.  Margie's surgery went well, according to Dr. Woo's report to me yesterday at about 4:45 p.m.
Margie is in room 305 at St. Joseph's.  I stayed with her until about 8:20 last night and had to get home. I had been there over 10 hours. She was in quite a bit of pain when I left.  I hated to leave.  I was feeding her ice chips because she was thirsty.  Then I ordered gluten free chicken broth and was feeding that to her just before I left.  The doctor ordered morphine which was in the IV drip.  Unfortunately she was still experiencing a high level of discomfort.  I hope and pray she had a better night.  I dare not try to call this early ( I have been awake since 4:30)  Thank you friends for praying.  I know the Lord answered our prayers.
L A S T   M I N U T E   -  Margie did NOT have a good night. They FINALLY got her pain under control but it was only after she had called them MANY times.  They said there was an emergency and could not come.

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