Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Surgery details

Yesterday Margie received a call from her orthopedic surgeon's office regarding all the appointments she will be expected to attend before and after surgery May 8.  We have them all recorded in our date book and we will be glad when those take place. Although Margie did some baking yesterday for our meals, she felt badly and by night time she really was sick.  She suffered a headache and stomach distress and it was very discouraging for her.  She tries to be brave, but continued illness is debilitating to say the least.  One appointment she had scheduled, was cancelled because the authorization (from the insurance)  had not arrived and the person responsible for it was not at work yesterday.  I continued  my message preparation for Sunday April 1 at Grace Baptist in Bellingham, Washington.  We are not real certain we will visit our daughter today because of Margie's health.  We do praise the Lord she had a good night.  Thanks so much for praying

1 comment:

Charles Bronson said...


Sou estudante no Seminário Bereiano em Natal/RN (Brasil) e pesquiso a história de vida de Carleton e Adelayde Matthews.

Vocês pode me dar o e-mail de vcs para mais informações?

Pr.Charles Bronson