Thursday, March 1, 2012


Taking medication the correct way can be very complicated.  Margie's doctor prescribed medicine for her thyroid problem which was the result of the blood work done a couple of days ago. Because she is on so many different medications, care has to be taken to get the sequence in proper order.  She had to call the pharmacist last night and go over several options because it was just too complicated. But on the brighter side of things, Margie was relieved to get back this report concerning the thyroid.  She had supposed it may have been something worse.  We appreciate so much your prayer support.  For Margie it gets pretty discouraging, having so many ailments to deal with.  We can only thank the Lord for the good days He has given her in the last several weeks.  We pray now with this new challenge, she will improve with medication.  Our thanks to you ALL.

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