Tuesday, October 5, 2010

A huge response

I sent out many e-mail notices regarding Margie's health problem Sunday morning.  On Sunday and Monday we received "scads" of beautiful responses promising their prayer support.  We truly appreciate this.  What a wonderful way to get prayer support quickly.  We can remember our days in Brazil when we lived down river (Amazon) from the Peruvian and Columbia border about 100 miles.  A letter requesting prayer would take weeks from the time you wrote it and drove your boat 100 miles to Leticia, Coloumbia, to mail it.  Once my brother was sitting at his computer in Singapore when I sent a request and he calculated it took 20 seconds to reach his desk.  What an electronic age we live in.   Margie had a good night, thankfully but is still pretty washed out after Sunday's happenings.  Thank you so much for your prayers.

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