Sunday, November 6, 2011

Time change

I'm glad we remembered the time change.  I set back all the clocks yesterday.  Our grandson, Nathan, is installing electric heat in our house and he was able to get a lot done.  With the forced air furnace, we seem to be  cold an awful lot. We know the steady electric heat will be better. Margie had a better night and we are thankful. We look forward to being at church this morning.  It is cold and we are reminded winter is coming.  Thanks for  your prayers.  We have much homework to do this week, when Shepherds sends a list of the facilities around Union Grove where Joy could possibly be transferred to.  Please pray we will have His wisdom.  We know that finances will determine greatly what we can do.  We know that none will ever compare to Shepherds but we trust the Lord to help us find the right one.  

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