Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Fast pace

Yesterday when we began our contact work with nursing homes in the Union Grove area, we were delighted how quickly things happened.  A local nursing home recommended by Shepherds was very kind to me and through a series of phone calls both to them and Shepherds an assessment meeting was arranged with the Admissions Director of the nursing home to meet with Joy (our daughter) and her Case Manager this morning at 8 o'clock P.T. (or 10 Union Grove time).  So by the time many of you open this, that meeting may be over. If you receive it before that, please pray for the Lord's will in this matter. We appreciate it so much.  This situation of Joy's discharge and trying to find a new place for her has been so very hard on Margie especially because she is not well.  We will keep you posted perhaps even today with an update HERE when we hear any news we should pass on to you.  To the host of folks praying for us during this tender time, we say "thanks".

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