Wednesday, June 8, 2016


Psalm 27:14
Wait on the Lord;Be of good courage,And He shall strengthen your heart;Wait, I say, on the Lord!

Waiting is such a boring thing I hear some say just now,
Because you never dreamed it so that God would this allow.
Many things move speedily, in this nervous world down here,
But wait a minute my dear friend, I have a word of cheer.
Waiting for God to work things out is the best thing you can do,
He gives courage, strength, and a happy heart, especially for you. (RP)

Wednesday is almost always washday.  I remade the beds this morning. Margie does not have the strength to do them. I enjoy doing it. Now I am washing the clothes. That too is hard for Margie to do, so I am happy to do it.  I was able to get some advanced work done yesterday on our Genesis class. Friday we hand out the work sheet that will not be used til the class returns Sept. 9.  Yesterday afternoon we attended the missionary meeting and heard Grace Stowell's account and pictures of her trip to Ecuador. It was very good. Last night I attended the elder meeting at church. Margie was glad when I returned home. There was a time when I could not leave her. Thankfully she is happy I have that service. Thanks for praying. 

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