Friday, May 27, 2016


Philippians 4:13 
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. 

God helps us in so many ways; He makes it possible for us to work for Him.
You want to do things but do not know how; all this when the chances are slim.
But He graces you with abilities so you can do things He wants you to do,
And then you serve the Lord with gladness and He gives blessing not a few. (RP)

We are having delightful days, and today is even cooler. We have no complaints, however, when the weather is so nice. This morning, as usual on Friday, we go down to the Senior Activity Center for the Bible class. We always look forward to this. We must make a quick trip to Lynden after class, to apply for another year of handicap parking permission for our car because of Margie's condition. This year we are opting for license plates with this privilege. Thanks for praying. 

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