Saturday, May 21, 2016


Heb 13:15
Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God,that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name.

You cannot do it once and think you are done; you must do it more,
That about which we are talking today, nobody can really ignore,
We offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually; we never quit.
Every Christian to this subject should definitely and readily admit.
With our lips we can do this all the time, giving praises every day,
Praising Him with your lips, your life should also be on display. (RP)

As usual, Margie will do some baking today. She usually makes bar cookies. And they are always good.  Yesterday Harold, Ernie and I communicated with an app on our smartphones which makes texting and audio possible. We experimented with both. Siang set us up for the three way chat. She did not know that we could use the audio until I sent her an audio message. So we "talked" back and forth in very short sentences but it was good. Rawlie arrives today to practice for his duet tomorrow at the commissioning service for our pastor. His last Sunday is tomorrow. Thanks for praying. 

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