Saturday, October 31, 2015


Matthew 14:26-27  
When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. It's a ghost,they said, and cried out in fear. But Jesus immediately said to them:Take courage! It is I. Don't be afraid.

We cannot imagine the fear they had when Jesus walked on the lake,
They knew Him not, thinking it was a ghost, but oh their sad mistake.
Cries of fear they expressed, and then He spoke soon to them,
Courage He gave them, not derision and scorn; He did not condemn.
He consoled them with words, and then they were not afraid,
He will do the same for you, when you come to Him for His aid.(RP)

A storm was predicted by the forecasters and it is apparently here. Strong winds and rain are the scenario outside right now. They predicted flooding also. We wonder what all this will to the trick or treaters. At our church there is supposed to be an evangelistic outreach from 6-8 this evening. We pray the rain will calm so it will be a success. This afternoon we should also attend the funeral of our neighbor Pastor Oscar Lee. If Margie is well enough, we will. We also hope she had a good night like she did Thursday. Thank you all for praying. 

Friday, October 30, 2015


And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice.
Ephesians 4:30-31

Sin grieves the Holy Spirit, so Christians should watch carefully their walk,
Be careful with your way of living and pay attention to the way you talk.
We have been bought with a price, and the Spirit of God has sealed us,
And to this life with Christ, each and everyone daily will prayerfully adjust.
He is not happy when bitterness,anger, and rage take charge of his own,
So stop slandering and expressing malice, and all your blessings disown. (RP)

Yesterday we received a flood warning for our county. We are concerned about the Saturday night outreach ministry on the church parking lot. Each year hundreds visit it.  Gospel literature and Gideon New Testaments are distributed also. The rain last year let up from 6-8 pm which was a blessing. We are praying it will be okay again. MUCH work has gone into it already. We appreciate your prayers for it. This morning we go to the Ferndale Senior Activity Center for the Bible class. We always look forward to it. This morning it is a very wet and windy. Thanks for praying.

Thursday, October 29, 2015


Jeremiah 29:11 
For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.

Here we have a glimpse of God, telling his thoughts about us,
He wants us to have peace, and for us we know that is a plus.
He thinks no evil of us, and wants us to have a future of hope,
And just hearing these words from our Lord, help us really cope.(RP)

Margie spent time yesterday on the phone with her doctor trying to get her sleep medication adjusted. Apparently she had to reduce one and her doctor prescribed another. We went to the drug store at 8:30 last night to get it. She did not have a real good night but at least she slept some. We appreciate prayer about this. She has always had trouble sleeping. It is raining a lot and we are concerned about the big ministry event at our church Saturday night where we outreach to our church neighbors and others with the gospel. Thanks for praying.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015


Proverbs 19:20-21 
Listen to counsel and receive instruction, That you may be wise in your latter days. There are many plans in a man's heart, Nevertheless the Lord's counsel-that will stand.

One very wise counsel we all should hear; listen to God each day,
Read the Bible to understand exactly what He wants to convey.
He wants you to be wise both now and when you reach later years,
Keep getting more of it, and never allow yourself to get in arrears.
We all have such flashy plans, and we really want to achieve,
But remember that God's counsel is best, so be ready to receive. (RP)

Going down the hill to church yesterday, I noticed that one of the tires was acting up. It has been for some time now, and we have had to fill it many times. I finally took it to the tire shop and it did have a screw in it preventing a proper seal. The screw had injured the tire, so I had to buy a new one. They told me it was best to buy two new ones for the front of the Buick. I decided on just one for the time being. We are glad to have that fixed. Margie had a pretty good day although she was pretty tired out. She had a good sleep but I think the medication still made her drowsy. Her retina specialist gave her a good report and gave another injection in her right eye. In the afternoon we received word that our neighbor, pastor Oscar Lee died yesterday morning. That service will be Saturday. Thanks for praying. 

Tuesday, October 27, 2015


I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.
John 16:33.

Only in Jesus is there peace, because He is Peace,
As we commune with Him, peace really does increase.
In this world there is trouble, and it increases every day,
Jesus promised that He overcomes, and all will be okay.
Christian, keep on trusting Him, because He cares for you.
In spite of the difficulties down here, He will see you through.(RP)

Margie and I spent the good part of the day checking, reading,correcting chapters in our future book. After getting them refined as much as we know how to, then we will have them edited by an expert. We are still far from that point, however.  I was still able to do more work in future planning for the book of Genesis. I try to keep ahead on the study sheets which we distribute each week at the class. Margie has been having fairly good nights and we hope last night will be the same. She is asleep as I write this. Thanks for praying. 

Monday, October 26, 2015


For this cause I was born, and for this cause I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice. John 18:37

Jesus entered the world to do many things; some are written right here.
And I am so sure you will find them as you read; they are all so clear. 
Jesus the Truth came to bear witness of Himself; this is His message to us,
And all who accept Him as the Truth, have definitely experienced a plus. 
Those who trust Jesus, listen gladly to His lovely and powerful voice. 
And when they do, without a doubt know that they have made the right choice(RP)

Last night our neighbor phoned to say her husband, pastor Oscar Lee, had knee surgery, was doing well, then the nurses found him in his room having suffered a massive stroke. Yesterday they removed the life support system. It is sobering to say the least. I had prayer with Jan and I am glad someone came to spend the night with her. We had a good day at church and our son entertained us at a restaurant afterward. At home we had dessert which Margie made the day before. We have our self-made schedule laid out for the week and plan to stay pretty busy. There is much to do. Thankfully Margie had a good night. Thanks for praying. 

Sunday, October 25, 2015


He who believes in Me . . . out of his heart will flow rivers of living water. John 7:38

Salvation brings a refreshment, when Jesus reigns in your heart,
His Spirit indwells and brings joy that will never from you depart.
The joy and excitement He gives, flows like rivers of water cool,
And his abundance of power infuses one, as sparkling as a jewel.
You who are outside of Jesus, receive Him right now in your life,
The result will be joy without ceasing, and a life with so little strife.(RP)

We are hopeful that today Margie will feel well enough to attend church. As I write she is still in bed. I think she had a good night but I cannot always tell, because I sleep well and don't know when she has wakeful times during the night. Our son Rawlie is here and it is nice to have his company. He plans to take us to a meal today. We hope we can enjoy that time with him. Thanks for praying. 

Saturday, October 24, 2015


Ephesians 6:1 
Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

Some try to stand against the devil the wrong way,
Many are clue less about what to do or even say.
Here we are told to put on the whole armor of God,
Don't forget even the shoes, and now you can trod.
The reason why God asks you to do this is right here,
With the armor you will resist the devil, and that is clear.(RP)

We both had a good rest last night after the busy day yesterday. With the Bible class and the Ruth Hall memorial service, our day was full. It was an honor to work with Ken Pollock doing his mother-in-law's service. Ken's wife Julia was the church secretary at First Baptist Church when I was pastor. We have had a great relationship with the Pollock and Hall families through the years.  We are grateful Margie was able to sleep well again last night. We pray it will happen again tonight so we can go to church tomorrow. We missed two Sundays because she was too weak to go. Thanks for praying. 

Friday, October 23, 2015


For with God nothing will be impossible. 
Luke 1:37 

Each day we face many problems, and often we think we can't win,
But we must remember right now that success comes with how we begin.
When we label our problem impossible, God tells us very soon we are wrong,
For His Word tells us right here the plain fact: He'll help us and give us a song.(RP)

This morning we go to the Ferndale Senior Activity Center for the Bible class at 10.  We go much earlier to greet folks and distribute the study sheets for next week. Thankfully some very thoughtful ladies set up the dining room area with appropriate seating around tables. It is a very nice place for the study. After the study we will get home in order to have a bite to eat and be back in Ferndale at Christ The King church for the memorial service for our friend Ruth Hall.  Ken Pollock, her son-in-law, and I will conduct the service. Any receiving this early, we appreciate prayer for these things. And we thank you for praying for Margie. We trust her night was okay. I think it was. She is still in bed as I write these lines. Thanks for praying.

Thursday, October 22, 2015


Hebrews 12:6 
For whom the Lord loves He chastens, and scourges every son whom He receives.

God's love to His children is manifest in many and diverse ways,
It is shown in prolonged tests, and sometimes it even delays.
But be certain His correction will come, but it is always with love,
And His chastening is always done correctly, by our Father above. 
Child of God do not despise His chastening which is for good,
And I don't believe you would change His plan even if you could.(RP)

We are pleased Margie had another good night. Yesterday she did some cooking, and made two casseroles, one beef and the other tuna. We will enjoy these for many days. We freeze them and use them as we wish. Today should be busier for us as Margie has her hair done in the morning and in the afternoon we go to afternoon prayer meeting at the church. Thanks for praying.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015


Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. 
1 Timothy 6:18

Believers are commanded to do good, because we are servants of God,
We pray every believer who is qualified will gladly do it without a prod.
We all should be working for our Lord doing good deeds along the way,
And all will know we belong to Him by our generosity and the things we say.
We pray each of us will be willing to share; this is what God wants us to do,
If we are faithfully doing His will, we know He will graciously help us pursue.(RP)

We are on schedule today and this is wash day. I do that part of the work and Margie will iron part of the clothes tomorrow, and then I finish. Thankfully I am also on schedule for preparation for Bible class and the funeral on Friday. Margie's day yesterday was slow, due to the fact she slept so poorly the night before. Hopefully I will be able to report that she had a good night last night. As I write she is still sleeping, and that is good. She needs the rest. Thanks so much for your prayer support. 

Tuesday, October 20, 2015


Titus 2:14 
Who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from every lawless deed, and purify for Himself His own special people, zealous for good works.

God's plan is so wondrous we marvel at it; His love is so vast,
It reaches all, and comes with power; we know it forever will last.
His saving power reaches all, and redeems every lawless deed, 
His special people He has purified, and they are forever freed.
They are anxious to do good works; they want to honor Him,
He has done so much for them, they now sing a praise hymn.(RP)

We were hoping and praying things were back to normal again but last night was another poor one for Margie. She  saw her doctor again yesterday who gave her pathology report on the suspicious spot on her back which has caused constant itching for a long time. Fortunately it was ok and she is treating it with the proper medication and relief is already felt. We are thankful. She just awakened and told me she had a BAD night. We are so sorry about this.
Thanks so much for praying. 

Monday, October 19, 2015


Matthew 6:27
Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature?

Worry is the plague of the day, it wears its victims down,
When it starts, it just keeps on, and leads its captives around.
We know that worrying gets us nowhere; and only sorely hurts,
Give it to God right now; let worry have its just desserts.(RP)

We are so thankful Margie finally had a good night. After spending several hours in E.R. the night before, we certainly knew she was ready for a good rest. We cautiously go through this day, praying that tonight again she will be able to get some sleep. We feel badly about missing church services, and hope things will get back on schedule again soon. Thanks so much for praying.

Sunday, October 18, 2015


Mark 11:25 
And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, that your Father in heaven may also forgive you your trespasses.

It is easy to forget God's principles of prayer; forgiveness plays a big part,
There is more to prayer than the words you speak; God is looking at your heart.
Don't think He will answer your prayers, if you have not forgiven that friend,
And if you are set in your ways and have decided that you will not bend.
God will not answer your prayer; you must forgive so that God will act,
This verse promises us here, that if we do, he will forgive; It's a fact.(RP)

We had a pretty normal quiet day yesterday. At bedtime, however, everything changed. Margie called me saying she was having trouble breathing and her heart was pounding. She thought we better call 911 which I did and thus started Sunday morning. We were in E.R. all night and returned home just before 6. She is resting well and slept about 4 hours. She hasn't had a good sleep for about 5 days. We appreciate prayer about this. Thanks so much for praying. 

Saturday, October 17, 2015


Daniel knelt down on his knees three times a day, and prayed and gave thanks before his God, as was his custom since early days. 
Daniel 6:10

Daniel was a man of prayer, he prayed upon his knees,
He did this several times a day, to this the story agrees.
I would love to have heard him pray; I wonder what he said,
I think he asked God for many things; I think he also read.
Daniel had the habit of prayer; it was custom for him,
His prayer was intense, and for him it was nothing grim.
He thanked God for many things,and delighted in what he did,
And with his window open, it was sure he had nothing hid.(RP)

Margie is having trouble sleeping. This has always been a problem with her. This week has been hard on her. We appreciate your prayers for her. Yesterday the Bible class was well attended and we had a great time in Genesis 14.  Thanks so much for your prayers. 

Friday, October 16, 2015


Psalm 27:14 
Wait on the Lord; Be of good courage, And He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the Lord!

We are all in such a hurry; yes, that is the way things go,
And I think the Lord is telling us- take it easy and go slow.
If we learn to do it God's way, good courage we will gain,
And He will help us greatly, and new strength we will obtain.
Wait fellow Christians on the Lord, and He will see you through,
And life will be so much better when His will you daily pursue.(RP)

The keyword today is GENESIS. We spend the week getting ready for this class. It is such a pleasure to teach God's word.  I awakened early in order to get the recycled stuff to the street and spend some extra time going over my notes for class this morning. Margie did not have another good night. She is awake now but I know she didn't get sleep until after midnight. We appreciate your prayers about this. Thank you very much. 

Thursday, October 15, 2015


A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.Proverbs 17:22

Sometimes down here in life's journey we get weary,
But it's best if we can maintain a good life that is cheery.
A cheerful heart is like fine medicine; it really helps a lot,
And the best of all it comes from within; it can't be bought.
So do your best and not allow your spirit to be crushed,
This way you will surely win, and your enemy will be hushed.(RP

Our normal schedule for today prevails. This morning Margie will get her hair done and in the afternoon we attend afternoon prayer meeting at the church. Yesterday we spent the day working mostly on more chapters for our Shepherds book. Margie does the second reading of the manuscript, and after correction they are put in an electronic file to await editing by an expert. This will all happen at a later date when we determine who will print the work. Yesterday was our coolest day so far, I believe. Today we are glad for the furnace also. Thanks for your prayers. 

Wednesday, October 14, 2015


Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.
Ephesians 5:11

Do not be a part of the underworld where the deeds of darkness lurk,
If you give in the the devil's deeds, you are someone we should shirk.
Our duty as Christians is to fight the fight by standing for what is right,
And the way this is done, as I look around, is by standing firm and fight.
God will help you my friend, the evil shun, and expose it for all to see,
You will have peace and God's blessing for sure; for you this is my plea. (RP)

Margie's doctor gave an injection in her left shoulder, trying to minimize the pain she is having lately. She has a "new" right shoulder, but said she could not go through the pain of another surgery like that. We hope the shot will minimize the pain in her shoulder. She also will see a physical therapist about some sort of brace or help for her back and knees.  Today is clothes-washing day and I work up the prayer sheet for the church. Thanks for praying.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015


1 Corinthians 13:8 
Love never fails. But whether there are prophecies,they will fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease;whether there is knowledge, it will vanish away.

One thing is certain in this world of ours: God's love never fails,
And no matter what happens around us, His love always prevails.
When prophecy finally gets old and fails, and when tongues cease,
His love will always be here and it will always be on the increase.
When knowledge seems to just vanish away, something remains,
Yes we know that God is love and it is always refreshing as the rains.(RP)

Yesterday at the eye doctor, he told me I did not need to change the prescription on my lenses. We were pleased with the news. Margie went with me, then we stopped at a couple of places to shop. She stayed in the car. It was a little too much for her because at home she got sick and had to lay down. Later in the evening she was feeling much better. We were invited for a meal with Armond Daws and his daughter and son-in-law but we had already lunched. They came here and brought us some fresh apples from eastern Washington. It was good to see Armond after his hospital stay. Thanks for your prayers. 

Monday, October 12, 2015


Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.James 1:17

Sometime we may wonder what good really is, but in the Word we are told,
God is the giver of every gift,and we should stop often and behold.
His perfect gifts are from above and with Him is no variance or change,
His gift of salvation through Christ is the best, and one whose reward is long-range.(RP)

We were not able to attend church yesterday because Margie had a very poor night. We did the best we could and listened to and watched sermons on TV and online. This morning I go to the eye doctor for my regular two-year check up. I don't apparently have any problems, but if so, he will tell me. Margie will go with me because we have a few things we need to get while in town.  Thanks for praying.

Sunday, October 11, 2015


1 Corinthians 10:31 
Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.

Water and food are essential for life; we ingest them normally each day,
God gives us these things to sustain us; He planned it all this way.
As we take in nutrition each day, and all the other things we do,
There is one thing we should not forget; we do it for His glory too.
So remember dear reader from this point onward; do all for His glory,
You will never regret the blessings received; this is the greatest story.(RP)

We are not certain about today's schedule. Margie did not have a good night Friday, and she is still sleeping as I write this. We may not get to church this morning. I know her heart is in it to go, but as we know the flesh is weak. We will see how she feels when she awakens this morning. We heard sad news yesterday that Betty Wood, wife of Dr. Andrew Wood, founder of Shepherds Ministries, died Wednesday.  Betty has been ill for some time. She has been a precious wife to Dr. Wood and we appreciated all she did along with her him as they ministered at Shepherds. We pray for Dr. Wood and his family. He told me there are twenty family members who will attend the services.  Thanks for praying.

Saturday, October 10, 2015


Be sure your sin will find you out. 
Numbers 32:23

We are prone to go about without thought of certain things,
Nor do we think things through or know what this brings.
If we are caught in sin, and keep on doing unwise acts,
We must look into the Bible and learn some basic facts.
One thing we know for sure is that our sin will find us out,
And God will hold us to it, and of this you better not doubt.(RP)

Last night Margie did poorly in her sleeping. Even I was up several times, more than usual. Today she is going to take it easy. If she doesn't, we will not be able to attend church tomorrow. The Bible class went well. There were 35 present. Margie's brother and sister-in-law come to the class. Also another couple comes with them. This couple will soon be going to Arizona, so we decided to have a meal together. It was a very nice time. We returned home and I immediately started on preparations for the next class in the book of Genesis. Thanks for praying.

Friday, October 9, 2015


Moreover, as for me, far be it from me that I should sin against the LORD in ceasing to pray for you; but I will teach you the good and the right way.
1Samuel 12:23

From this we see the power of prayer as we intercede for souls,
The prophet thought it sin indeed to cease to pray for men.
Can we do less than follow his steps?And do it over and over again?(RP)

We always are glad for Friday when we go to the Bible class. With 35 or so members it is a joy to meet and study the book of Genesis. Yesterday was also an enjoyable day and we were glad for strength to be able to do the things we did. The rains are upon us now and tomorrow promises to be very windy also. We are most thankful that Armond Daws is better. On a more solemn note, our friend Ruth Hall died Wednesday night. Thanks for praying. 

Thursday, October 8, 2015


Isaiah 26:4 
Trust in the Lord forever, For in YAH, the Lord, is everlasting strength.

Do you find yourself weak and in need of strength today?
Trust in the Lord my brother, and you will find it right away.
The Lord is everlasting strength, and the source of it now,
Come to Him in faith asking, and at his feet humbly bow.
It is wonderful to rest in Him for the things needed each day,
So get in the habit of seeking His will, and for you it will pay.(RP)

Armond Daws has the custom of taking us to a nice restaurant the first Wednesday of each month. This week it was doubtful because he had been in the hospital with congestive heart failure. He was released however and sent word that he was looking forward to our time for the evening meal.  Yesterday his daughter, with whom he stays, called to say he had fallen and would not be coming.  Margie had made him a birthday cake for the occasion(his 96th birthday) and I decorated it and made a special box in which to carry it to the restaurant.  Now we will make other plans. All things work together for good, we are promised in the Bible. In late afternoon I was able to help a person who needed it and had we been in the restaurant, that would not have been possible. Thanks for praying.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015


Psalm 40:1-2  
I waited patiently for the Lord; And He inclined to me, and heard my cry. He also brought me up out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my steps.

God is ready to help us if we really want Him to,
Be patient and watch Him work as He works for you.
God will lean your way when you do it His way,
And you will hear His voice and all He has to say.
He will hear your voice if you really want to talk,
He will set your feet in the path that you should walk.
Your foundation will be solid, on the One who is the Rock,
Your steps will be perfectly paced like the running of a clock.(RP)

We received good word yesterday. The doctor released Margie from the Wound Healing Center. Our times spent there were eventful. We met several Christians, and the doctor is also. It was an enjoyable experience those many weekly visits to this specialized place.  Margie's doctor was quick to point out that it is the Lord who heals, not him or his helpers there. In the afternoon we attended the missionary meeting at the church. It was a pleasure to hear the letters from several missionaries read, then prayer was made for each one.  Thanks for praying for us too. We deeply appreciate it. 

Tuesday, October 6, 2015


Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might. Eccl. 9:10

Refreshing it is find such a thing, that a man works with all his might,
Women too are included in this and we should do it with delight.
No matter what your work may be, God will help you do it well,
And when life's journey has reached its end, your story eternity will tell.(RP)

Today we have two main things on our list to do. First we go to the Wound Clinic, and we believe the doctor will dismiss Margie. We think the ulcer is nicely healed now. It has been a long haul, but diligence paid off plus that miraculous honey patch applied to the wound and dressed every other day.  This afternoon we go to the missionary meeting at our church. Yesterday I was able to clean up about 10 of our chapters for the next book, reprint them and Margie is giving a second reading and correction to them. Then I will print each one of those having gone through the second correction phase, and wait until we can send them for editing. A lady in our church who edited our first book is the one we would like to have do the second one. Thanks for praying. 

Monday, October 5, 2015


2 Tim 2:19 
Nevertheless the solid foundation of God stands, having this seal: The Lord knows those who are His, and, Let everyone who names the name of Christ depart from iniquity.

God's promise is sure and as strong as His name and is sealed with His loving concern,
And we read in the Word all the promises great and realize we have much to learn.
I'm so grateful He knows me; I belong to Him, and a warning He gives me today,
When we carry His name he instructs us with love, to depart from evil all the way.(RP)

As funds permit we are going to start again to get serious about our next book. I have almost 170 chapters written. Today I start cleaning up some of the proofreading items Margie found as she read through them. My brother Harold's generosity to me after doing the memorial service for Marlene, prompted us to think about getting our book relating to our years with Shepherds, into print.  So I will work on that today and as much as I can throughout the week. We had a good day yesterday and Rawlie entertained us at Red Robin which we enjoyed very much. Thanks for praying. 

Sunday, October 4, 2015


Romans 8:38-39 
For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come,  nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

God's love for us is the strongest in the world; nothing can match its power,
It reaches out to every soul on earth and is active no matter what the hour.
Nothing you can name can equal God's love; it is strong and available to all,
And nothing can separate us from it no matter if it is great or even small.
We are so glad for this love that reached down to save a soul like mine,
And thank God for this everlasting love that into every seeking soul will shine.(RP)

This morning at Sunday School, Catherine Russell who has spent two times in Thailand, will be giving a report of her service there. We look forward to this. Our pastor will be back in the pulpit this morning after having knee surgery. Our son is with us and last night our Sunday School class met for a finger-food- social and we all had a special time. Today Rawlie invited us for lunch at his favorite restaurant. We look forward to this also. Thanks for your prayers.

Saturday, October 3, 2015


Isaiah 40:31  
But those who wait on the Lord Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.

We ask for strength in the Christian life, and God has promised it here,
One must learn to wait upon the Lord, and allow Him to always steer.
When done God's way we can spiritually fly like the eagles in the air,
And the things we do for the Lord can be done, and He does not impair.
What joy it is to serve our loving Master, and not be weary or even faint,
And this He does gladly, giving strength and courage to every single saint.(RP)

As we draw near to Sunday, we realize that each day presents plenty for us to do. Every other morning I wash and re bandage Margie's ulcer and get her suppression socks on.  She still thinks Gina puts them on easier than I do, which is probably right. If we are up to it, this evening there is a Sunday School class social at Hubbard's place in Ferndale. I will go down in a minute to get some things for Margie to make some cookies.  I always take as much time as I can to keep ahead in the Genesis study also. And with a generous gift from my brother Harold, we want to get serious (again) about our next book. I have 167 chapters written, and Margie has proofread them. Now I must correct those and get them in shape to have them edited. It all takes time, but is enjoyable. Thanks for praying. 

Friday, October 2, 2015


For I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content.

It is hard to learn this lesson, Lord, for we who are so weak,
But give us faith and courage, Your will to always seek.

This morning in Bible class we will go through the last part of Genesis 12. It is a very important lesson and we look forward to the discussion. Yesterday was a profitable day and we appreciated being able to attend the prayer meeting in the afternoon at church. Today, if Margie feels up to it, we will meet at a buffet in Bellingham with her brother and another couple who will be here from Canada. We look forward to this time together.

Thursday, October 1, 2015


If that is the case, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and He will deliver us from your hand, O king.
Daniel 3:17
Men who walk with God are strong in all they do,
These men in Daniel's day were valiant and so true.
Their faith was very exemplary; may ours be too,
And with it God will help us, and see us through.
With dependence on the Lord, we can start anew,
And live for Him each day, in all that we pursue.(RP) 

The whimsical title today, describes almost all our Thursdays. This morning it is to the hairdresser for Margie and in the afternoon we go to prayer meeting. 
Yesterday was a quiet day and we were able to get one more future study sheet done for the book of Genesis we teach each Friday. The weather has been quite mild and even walking down to the mailbox in the afternoon, I did not even use a coat. My brother Harold said it was really snowing in Anchorage. When I was there it was mild weather also. We trust your day goes well today. Thanks for praying.