Wednesday, October 21, 2015


Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. 
1 Timothy 6:18

Believers are commanded to do good, because we are servants of God,
We pray every believer who is qualified will gladly do it without a prod.
We all should be working for our Lord doing good deeds along the way,
And all will know we belong to Him by our generosity and the things we say.
We pray each of us will be willing to share; this is what God wants us to do,
If we are faithfully doing His will, we know He will graciously help us pursue.(RP)

We are on schedule today and this is wash day. I do that part of the work and Margie will iron part of the clothes tomorrow, and then I finish. Thankfully I am also on schedule for preparation for Bible class and the funeral on Friday. Margie's day yesterday was slow, due to the fact she slept so poorly the night before. Hopefully I will be able to report that she had a good night last night. As I write she is still sleeping, and that is good. She needs the rest. Thanks so much for your prayer support. 

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