Sunday, January 11, 2015


Psalms 89:1
I will sing of the LORD's great love forever; with my mouth I will make your faithfulness known through all generations. 

When you've been touched by God's special love,You realize in your heart His great help from above.
I sing of His love with joy; it always thrills my soul,
It's a thrill to know our loving Lord is in full control.
Lord please help me tell others of your faithful care,
I want to be true always, and spend time in prayer.(RP)

We are still hopeful that Margie will be able to conitnue sleeping in her bed.  Last night was the third night. At one point her back was aching, so we put a heat patch on and she slept on her right side rather than the left. She made it through the rest of the night just fine. We are thrilled because we plan on attending at least Sunday School this morning. We have not been able to attend the worship service for seven weeks. Our son yesterday purchased two significant pieces of safety devices for Margie's bed. He also installed them.  What a blessing and special help he has been through her illness. Thanks for praying. 

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