Sunday, January 4, 2015


The eyes of the LORD are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good. Proverbs 15:3

My heavenly Father watches over me, every day and every hour,
He sees what I am doing and guards me with His great power.
His watching eyes see everything whether it be good or bad,
And I'm comforted by this because it makes me very glad. (RP)

We are not bragging about Margie not having a poor night. The night before she slept like a baby, but last night was sad. I hope she can get some cat naps in today that will not bother her sleep tonight. Our son and his family were here for a short visit and our son stayed here one night.  We do not discount the doctor's diagnosis of her condition, but she is still convinced something is not right in her system besides this matter of heart failure. She will consult her doctor about this soon. Today Margie is not strong enough to attend church services. We will listen and watch good programs via the radio, Ipad and TV. We look forward to this.  And we pray for the services in our church and would love to be there for the fellowship and instruction from God's Word. Thanks, dear friends, for your prayers.

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