Monday, August 12, 2013


Psalm 138:8 
The LORD will perfect that which concerns me; Your mercy, O LORD, endures forever; Do not forsake the works of Your hands.

I'm so glad You're not through with me yet dear Lord; there's more You will do for me,
You perfect Your children in their own peculiar way, and to this we surely agree.
Your mercy is everlasting, and we count on this each day; It is certain this will not end,
And we praise You now from our hearts, because without a doubt upon You we can depend. (RP)

Thankfully Margie had a good night.  This is not the usual report she gives, so we are glad for a good night's rest. Yesterday we were blessed to have a call from Mr. Al Pick, from Shepherds Home.  It was a pleasure for him to bring us up to date on some of the goings-on there.  At noon when we returned from church, our son and grandson were at our house.  I was able to make them a latte and they returned to their home in Stanwood.   I read through an corrected approximately 95 pages of manuscript for our book.  Our editor friend, Laurel, now has it about half finished.  We are pleased with the progress.   Thanks so much for your prayers.

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