Saturday, February 4, 2012

"This is a strange"

Paul Harvey used to say this during his commentary when speaking of something unusual.  Several days for no reason at all, I said to Margie,"Wouldn't it be something if one of these days Joy would speak.  Yesterday we went to visit Joy and she was not in her room.  We dropped by the Admission Director's office and she warmly greeted us and said the following:" Joy spoke the word "momma" today.  She found Joy for us who was with a vocational therapist working with her.  She uses sign language and was so tender and compassionate with her.  She, Marsha, had been talking to Ruth Bose at Shepherds about a half hour on the telephone, seeking more direction in how to communicate with Joy and how to "read" Joy's actions also.  Marsha said that without a doubt at one point Joy spoke plainly the word momma.  Well, we will let YOU decide if this was just a moan or groan or guttural sound that she emitted, or if she indeed said it.  We personally have never heard her speak. If she had that worked tucked into her mind since childhood when she could actually hear we have no idea.  But it was strange I had the idea days ago of the possibility of her saying a word, and then yesterday the story we just told you.  Very interesting to say the least.  We are so pleased with the great care and challenge Joy is to those in her present home.  They are doing everything to understand her better and make life enjoyable for her there.  We are grateful and thank you for your prayers.

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